49 years I have been watching and I have yet to see any unconditional love expressed by mortal man. This extends as well to the animal kingdom.
Did you know that you can have a pet for years and if someone else comes along and starts feeding and caring for them they will switch loyalties on you? I've seen this in action. Animals will remain loyal as long as no one else competes for their loyalties. I find this extremely interesting.
God is the only entity that is fully capable of unconditional love. He is perfect. Therefore he is the only one that can experience unconditional love. Hence the fact that he loves us in spite of our sin. But we as humans don't even come close.
I have tried unconditional love myself and it is quite hard to do. Mortal man is quite challenging to love unconditionally. It really cannot be done.
Some people confuse loyalty with unconditional love. They are two different things. I can be loyal to someone faster than I can give unconditional love to them. Animals, because they cannot speak or relate their feelings to us in words have only actions to show us. We are left to figure out what those actions mean. An animal has the act of loyalty that they show in place of love. We as humans can say "I Love You" or show it in any number of ways. Animals are restricted in this sense. They can't buy jewelry or houses or clothes or food to show love. They cannot speak "I Love You". What they can do however, is lick your face, or lay next to you or wag their tail when they see you or run up to you to greet you, etc. That is the way animals show love. What it comes down to with animals is who is feeding and caring for them. When that gets challenged they will go with the individual who they feel meets their needs the most.
People on the other hand are a little more complicated. Because in the animal world you don't have two animals dating or pledging their love or getting married, etc. Things are much more simplistic.
In the human realm not so. People are fickle, they have short memories, are considerably selfish and juvenile. They get angry over things that aren't important, they hold grudges, they are vindictive. They also are quite passoniate and can go to extreme lengths to show how they really feel. But more often times than not they do so in a mysterious manner. Very few people have the capabilities to show exactly how they feel without covering it up so it cannot be easily read. People do this religiously. They are cryptic when it comes to how they feel. You are supposed to read their signs to know what they are saying.
Animals are not like this. They will let you know when they are happy or mad and very rarely is their any mistaking what they are showing you. Not so with humans.
I find it interesting that God has such compassion for his creation when his creation obviously has no regard for him.
I have been blamed many times for having a healthy dislike for mankind. I do. I find it vulgar that mankind can slap God in the face repeatedly every single day and demand things their way when God has given them great gifts already. People constantly look to other humans to fulfill the needs that only God can meet and they get angry when other humans fall short. But they continue to try regardless. Yes, sometimes I feel as if I am the only person in the world that wants and seeks God's approval, not man's.
People don't realize how hard it is being human. They take so much for granted that they don't see what is really going on. In 2000 years man has not changed at all. If I had to say I would admit that man has actually gotten worse instead of better. The hard part is having to watch it happen day in and day out.
But know this, there is no unconditional love in the champagne room.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Her Royal Highness Suri Hubbard
I saw an interesting picture of Suri "Cruise" this past weekend and in spite of all the rumors that have been floated that Katie Holmes was IVF'd with Hubbard's frozen sperm I laughed it off and wasn't sure if I really wanted to go there. But now, I have no choice. I look at the child and look at pictures of Hubbard (especially picts of him in his younger days) and I have to say yeah, that's the father all right.
If you were to take Holmes and Hubbard and mix them together that would be about what the offspring would look like.
I would like to know just what she was told when inseminated. How did they approach her and what did they say to make her want to do this? "You have been chosen to carry the seed of the great L RON HUBBARD", or "You are royalty and royalty must breed royalty", or The honor of carrying the child of L Ron Hubbard is an honor that few women can claim in their lifetime". Whatever the bullshit that she was told she did her job and I wonder what her life expectancy will be now. She isn't needed anymore. The child is old enough to be raised by the higher ups in the church.
I figure one of these days real soon that Katie will cease to exist due to some type of Natasha Richardson-esque accident. Something that no one will question, but all will mourn and she will be hailed as a great actress.
Can the powers that be ever come up with something "believable"? I get tired of my intelligence consistently being insulted.
If you were to take Holmes and Hubbard and mix them together that would be about what the offspring would look like.
I would like to know just what she was told when inseminated. How did they approach her and what did they say to make her want to do this? "You have been chosen to carry the seed of the great L RON HUBBARD", or "You are royalty and royalty must breed royalty", or The honor of carrying the child of L Ron Hubbard is an honor that few women can claim in their lifetime". Whatever the bullshit that she was told she did her job and I wonder what her life expectancy will be now. She isn't needed anymore. The child is old enough to be raised by the higher ups in the church.
I figure one of these days real soon that Katie will cease to exist due to some type of Natasha Richardson-esque accident. Something that no one will question, but all will mourn and she will be hailed as a great actress.
Can the powers that be ever come up with something "believable"? I get tired of my intelligence consistently being insulted.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Dynastical Blow
Well Natasha Richardson is dead. This came out of nowhere. But the details or LACK OF THEM tells a very interesting story.
There is not much of a story to begin with. Natasha was skiing in Canada (location really doesn't matter). She was with an "instructor" on a "beginner slope". She fell down, got back up, didn't seem to be impaired and continued on. Then she was taken back to her room and checked for injuries.
Here is our first, second and third red flag.
First red flag - She was with an "instructor" on a "beginner slope". They are making a point of this.
Second red flag - She fell down and got back up and seemed to have no injuries. They are making a point of this as well.
Third red flag - She was all of a sudden taken back to her room and checked for injuries. What caused "them" to take her back to her room to be checked? They won't tell us that.
Have you ever fallen down at a ski resort while learning to ski with your instructor? Did you get back up and appear to be fine and actually you were really fine? That I think would be quite common. Why was it different here?
When she gets back to her room all of a sudden "they" think that she needs to go to the hospital. First one was in Canada, then she gets a transfer to a New York hospital. Why send her to Lenox Hill Hospital and not Mount Sinai? All rich and famouns people always go to Mount Sinai.
Of course by the time she gets to New York she is in a coma and eventually dies within hours. How odd.
When the death is finally announced they give no details of the injuries that determine a hospital is needed. They don't offer any details on why she was taken back to her room and checked. They don't offer any details on the cause of death and there is no mention of an autopsy being scheduled.
When I do the math on this problem I come up with MURDER as the answer. But why did they choose to eliminate her?
One word that the press seems to be throwing around is "Dynasty". The Redgrave Dynasty of stage actors. Her mother is Vanessa Redgrave and her father was Tony Richardson. Her aunt is Lynn Redgrave and her younger sister is Joely Richardson. Her grandfather was Michael Redgrave.
I guess you could call that a Dynasty if you wanted. I just think of them as actors.
Natasha was married to Liam Neeson and they have two sons. Neeson has just finished a movie that hit theatres this year called "Taken". He was working on another movie (in Canada) when this happened. But he wasn't there with her. He was on location and flew in when he was told there was an accident.
We all know that Vanessa was always a problem child when it came to her political views. She was always pro PLO and was a very defiant actress. Lynn was more flexible and didn't have any real political views.
I have never heard anything about Natasha and Liam as far as political views were concerned. They definitely weren't the Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandan of acting, spouting their political ideas every time the camera is turned on. But even Robbins and Sarandan don't seem to have problems.
But why Natasha and out of nowhere?
Murder. But not the type of murder that you would normally expect. This murder was one where I believe she was asked to take an IVF (Invitro Fertilization) and she told "them" to go blow. "They" don't like being told "NO".
The way Hollywood is pumping out babies and not to mention "twins" these days one must wonder to oneself why? Why twins and why all of Hollywood?
You can't convince me that it's a "trend" or it's fashionable. Pregnancy has never been trendy or fashionable. But what it has been and always will be is a way for people to gain immortality. How you ask? Immortality in the sense that fathers want their sons to carry on the family name and/or the heritage. For the line not to end. Women are only good for carrying the progeny and delivering them into the world. Only thing women are needed for in this respect. That doesn't mean that I agree with that attitude, it just means that it's a theory that I hold.
Obviously "they" wanted Natasha to breed for them. Mix her line with one of the elites line. The bloodline may have tied back in history anyway. But I am willing to say that she was approached to breed and she said "Get Lost". All of a sudden, skiing accident.
Watch the news and this will go away within days.
**Autopsy Report Released**
I would never have guessed it would happen. But the details were what I would expect from the powers that be. It was the details of what happened just after the accident that are more interesting.
Autopsy Report states that the cause of death was epidural hematoma (bleeding between the skull and the brain's covering), said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the New York City medical examiner's office. Richardson was not wearing a helmet and the death was ruled an accident.
An epidural hematoma is often caused by a skull fracture. The bleeding causes a blood clot that puts pressure on the brain. That pressure can force the brain downward to press on the brain stem that controls breathing and other vital functions, causing coma or death. Frequently, surgeons cut off part of the skull to give the brain room to swell.
The newsflash goes on to say that Yves Coderre, director of operations at the emergency services company that sent paramedics to the Mont Tremblant resort where Richardson suffered her fall, told The Globe and Mail newspaper Wednesday the paramedics who responded were told they were not needed.
"They never saw the patient," Coderre said. "So they turned around."
Coderre said another ambulance was called later to Richardson's luxury hotel. By that point, her condition had gotten worse and she was rushed to a hospital.
Richardson said she felt fine after her spill but became ill later and complained of a headache. Doctors say sometimes patients with brain injuries have what's called a "lucid interval" where they act fine for an hour or more as the brain slowly, silently swells or bleeds.
Now the question that no one will ever ask out loud - Why did "they" handle the situation in that way?
We know why already but won't say it yet, they killed her on purpose.
There is not much of a story to begin with. Natasha was skiing in Canada (location really doesn't matter). She was with an "instructor" on a "beginner slope". She fell down, got back up, didn't seem to be impaired and continued on. Then she was taken back to her room and checked for injuries.
Here is our first, second and third red flag.
First red flag - She was with an "instructor" on a "beginner slope". They are making a point of this.
Second red flag - She fell down and got back up and seemed to have no injuries. They are making a point of this as well.
Third red flag - She was all of a sudden taken back to her room and checked for injuries. What caused "them" to take her back to her room to be checked? They won't tell us that.
Have you ever fallen down at a ski resort while learning to ski with your instructor? Did you get back up and appear to be fine and actually you were really fine? That I think would be quite common. Why was it different here?
When she gets back to her room all of a sudden "they" think that she needs to go to the hospital. First one was in Canada, then she gets a transfer to a New York hospital. Why send her to Lenox Hill Hospital and not Mount Sinai? All rich and famouns people always go to Mount Sinai.
Of course by the time she gets to New York she is in a coma and eventually dies within hours. How odd.
When the death is finally announced they give no details of the injuries that determine a hospital is needed. They don't offer any details on why she was taken back to her room and checked. They don't offer any details on the cause of death and there is no mention of an autopsy being scheduled.
When I do the math on this problem I come up with MURDER as the answer. But why did they choose to eliminate her?
One word that the press seems to be throwing around is "Dynasty". The Redgrave Dynasty of stage actors. Her mother is Vanessa Redgrave and her father was Tony Richardson. Her aunt is Lynn Redgrave and her younger sister is Joely Richardson. Her grandfather was Michael Redgrave.
I guess you could call that a Dynasty if you wanted. I just think of them as actors.
Natasha was married to Liam Neeson and they have two sons. Neeson has just finished a movie that hit theatres this year called "Taken". He was working on another movie (in Canada) when this happened. But he wasn't there with her. He was on location and flew in when he was told there was an accident.
We all know that Vanessa was always a problem child when it came to her political views. She was always pro PLO and was a very defiant actress. Lynn was more flexible and didn't have any real political views.
I have never heard anything about Natasha and Liam as far as political views were concerned. They definitely weren't the Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandan of acting, spouting their political ideas every time the camera is turned on. But even Robbins and Sarandan don't seem to have problems.
But why Natasha and out of nowhere?
Murder. But not the type of murder that you would normally expect. This murder was one where I believe she was asked to take an IVF (Invitro Fertilization) and she told "them" to go blow. "They" don't like being told "NO".
The way Hollywood is pumping out babies and not to mention "twins" these days one must wonder to oneself why? Why twins and why all of Hollywood?
You can't convince me that it's a "trend" or it's fashionable. Pregnancy has never been trendy or fashionable. But what it has been and always will be is a way for people to gain immortality. How you ask? Immortality in the sense that fathers want their sons to carry on the family name and/or the heritage. For the line not to end. Women are only good for carrying the progeny and delivering them into the world. Only thing women are needed for in this respect. That doesn't mean that I agree with that attitude, it just means that it's a theory that I hold.
Obviously "they" wanted Natasha to breed for them. Mix her line with one of the elites line. The bloodline may have tied back in history anyway. But I am willing to say that she was approached to breed and she said "Get Lost". All of a sudden, skiing accident.
Watch the news and this will go away within days.
**Autopsy Report Released**
I would never have guessed it would happen. But the details were what I would expect from the powers that be. It was the details of what happened just after the accident that are more interesting.
Autopsy Report states that the cause of death was epidural hematoma (bleeding between the skull and the brain's covering), said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the New York City medical examiner's office. Richardson was not wearing a helmet and the death was ruled an accident.
An epidural hematoma is often caused by a skull fracture. The bleeding causes a blood clot that puts pressure on the brain. That pressure can force the brain downward to press on the brain stem that controls breathing and other vital functions, causing coma or death. Frequently, surgeons cut off part of the skull to give the brain room to swell.
The newsflash goes on to say that Yves Coderre, director of operations at the emergency services company that sent paramedics to the Mont Tremblant resort where Richardson suffered her fall, told The Globe and Mail newspaper Wednesday the paramedics who responded were told they were not needed.
"They never saw the patient," Coderre said. "So they turned around."
Coderre said another ambulance was called later to Richardson's luxury hotel. By that point, her condition had gotten worse and she was rushed to a hospital.
Richardson said she felt fine after her spill but became ill later and complained of a headache. Doctors say sometimes patients with brain injuries have what's called a "lucid interval" where they act fine for an hour or more as the brain slowly, silently swells or bleeds.
Now the question that no one will ever ask out loud - Why did "they" handle the situation in that way?
We know why already but won't say it yet, they killed her on purpose.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Morning Joe & Another Full News Blackout
Well they did it to us again. Another 3 days of nothing but an aircraft crash in New York this time. 48 suckers eliminated. The theories are rampant. Everyone is an expert.
Andrea Mitchell was sitting in for Mika this morning. I usually wait for those days because I would rather hear Andrea talk than Fuck Buddy harp. Plus, leaks usually are released through Andrea a lot of times and Fridays are good days for that so this was one of the better occasions. But NOOOOOOOO they had to take down a crappy plane and make that the NEWS for the ENTIRE WEEKEND. Now the powers that be can go about their business without worry that the press will interfere and maybe report something of importance by mistake.
I had to turn off Scar this morning because he was going on and on and on about all that he knew about aircraft and exactly what happened based on all the schooling he has had from chatting with pilots since his high school days. He is such an ass. He gives Bill O'Reilly some serious competition. If Scar would just shut the fuck up and go away things would be so much more interesting on that show.
But lets get back to the scam that is being run on everyone.
The take down was just that. A take down. The plane didn't just fall out of the sky. No, it wasn't ice on the wings and no, it wasn't mechanical errors. It was a strategic hit. Let's look at the usual suspects list to see why this was a regular take down.
1. Planes don't just explode on impact. This plane was carrying 5000 gallons of fuel and that was what was supposed to have caused the explosion. Jet fuel doesn't work like that.
2. One of the passengers was a 911 family member. We all know that those people are angry with the government and won't let up on the wrongful death lawsuits.
3. Obama is suffering from too much scrutiny right now and his mistakes are glaring. They need to deflect that.
4. The stimulus plan is not getting the right attention.
5. Bank CEO's are getting too much attention.
6. They are trying to install the right leader in Israel.
7. Increasing military troops in Afghanistan right now. We are facing a huge war you know.
8. The Dept of Homeland Security's first statement was the tip off of where this air crash is going to go. "We don't think it was a terrorism attack". Right, keep telling us that lie.
9. The survivors families are being quarantined. Wonder why that would be necessary?
These are all just the most obvious things that are sticking out like wet dicks from this story. But most idiots won't be paying attention since they are all doped up and can't hold a real thought in their heads anyway. So the blackout for the most part should work like a charm. By the time anyone figures out they MIGHT have been had, it will be much too late.
I guess that's just the way it goes.
I guarantee you by Monday morning, the stimulus bill will have been passed (along with a few others I'm sure), the Israeli president will have been installed, the troops will have magically appeared in Afghanistan, and a few other things will have mysteriously managed to have been dealt with. Monday should be worth watching.
I wonder how far the stock market will fall today?
Andrea Mitchell was sitting in for Mika this morning. I usually wait for those days because I would rather hear Andrea talk than Fuck Buddy harp. Plus, leaks usually are released through Andrea a lot of times and Fridays are good days for that so this was one of the better occasions. But NOOOOOOOO they had to take down a crappy plane and make that the NEWS for the ENTIRE WEEKEND. Now the powers that be can go about their business without worry that the press will interfere and maybe report something of importance by mistake.
I had to turn off Scar this morning because he was going on and on and on about all that he knew about aircraft and exactly what happened based on all the schooling he has had from chatting with pilots since his high school days. He is such an ass. He gives Bill O'Reilly some serious competition. If Scar would just shut the fuck up and go away things would be so much more interesting on that show.
But lets get back to the scam that is being run on everyone.
The take down was just that. A take down. The plane didn't just fall out of the sky. No, it wasn't ice on the wings and no, it wasn't mechanical errors. It was a strategic hit. Let's look at the usual suspects list to see why this was a regular take down.
1. Planes don't just explode on impact. This plane was carrying 5000 gallons of fuel and that was what was supposed to have caused the explosion. Jet fuel doesn't work like that.
2. One of the passengers was a 911 family member. We all know that those people are angry with the government and won't let up on the wrongful death lawsuits.
3. Obama is suffering from too much scrutiny right now and his mistakes are glaring. They need to deflect that.
4. The stimulus plan is not getting the right attention.
5. Bank CEO's are getting too much attention.
6. They are trying to install the right leader in Israel.
7. Increasing military troops in Afghanistan right now. We are facing a huge war you know.
8. The Dept of Homeland Security's first statement was the tip off of where this air crash is going to go. "We don't think it was a terrorism attack". Right, keep telling us that lie.
9. The survivors families are being quarantined. Wonder why that would be necessary?
These are all just the most obvious things that are sticking out like wet dicks from this story. But most idiots won't be paying attention since they are all doped up and can't hold a real thought in their heads anyway. So the blackout for the most part should work like a charm. By the time anyone figures out they MIGHT have been had, it will be much too late.
I guess that's just the way it goes.
I guarantee you by Monday morning, the stimulus bill will have been passed (along with a few others I'm sure), the Israeli president will have been installed, the troops will have magically appeared in Afghanistan, and a few other things will have mysteriously managed to have been dealt with. Monday should be worth watching.
I wonder how far the stock market will fall today?
Monday, February 9, 2009
All You Have To Do Is Say "I'm Sorry"
Bernie Madoff says "I'm Sorry" (but admits no guilt), he gets off with a fine. Guess we know who he's working for don't we?
Alex Rodriguez says, "I'm Sorry" for taking steroids and nothing happens to him. Guess we know how the sports "business" works don't we.
Tim Geithner says "I'm Sorry" for forgetting to pay taxes (Not!). What do you know, he gets hired to play the Treasury Secretary. How's that for saying the 2 magic words?
Tom Daschle says "I'm Sorry" for not paying his taxes on all the extras he was getting from a private company that he sat on the board of in California. He was smart he got out before it went any further.
Caroline Kennedy says "I'm Sorry" for not only not paying my taxes but hiring illegal aliens to work for me, (but what I do is none of anyone's business). Then she got out, which was the smartest thing she could have ever done because she had absolutely no personality.
This is just some of the people that have recently said the 2 magic words.
But those words only work for the rich and well to do. Those words don't do jack shit for the little people. If the tax man came around and wanted to know why you didn't pay your taxes and you told him "I'm Sorry", your ass would be in jail so fast that you wouldn't know what hit you. Not only that but the tax people would take everything you own. That is what "I'm Sorry" gets the little guy.
I am so sick of hearing that phrase I don't know what to do. But the sad thing is that we will keep on hearing it over and over again as these people come before us for whatever punishment they have coming for not doing something or other that they were either supposed to do or asked to do.
You can usually tell which it is by the form of punishment the person either takes or is subjected to in the media.
Bernie Madoff was easy. You could tell what his situation was. He was hired to do exactly what he did. The powers that be needed what happened to Bernie to happen. It was a cover story to hide something else more nefarious that was going on elsewhere. When whatever was happening was done, Bernie magically got off.
Bernie was an excellent soldier. He said nothing, gave no press conferences. You didn't hear from a lawyer and no one was making the Madoff rounds on the talk shows. You saw a few pictures of him and was constantly inundated with all the poor slobs who were his victims. But you heard nothing of any relevance to anything. Then magically on Friday in a 2 second blurb at 4:30 pm you hear "Breaking News". Bernie Madoff has been fined a small sum, has to pay back a few people and goes back to his 1 bunk Hilton to continue on his way as a Wall Street Investor. He admitted no guilt but said "I'm Sorry". That was all there was to it and you have heard not one single word since. Nor will you.
Bernie Madoff took the heat and kept his mouth shut and was well rewarded for it. He took the hit and took a piss like a man and walked without anything real happening to him and not 1 newscaster is questioning anything. How odd.
Or is it? I don't think so. Madoff had to be the fall guy for what happened. The powers that be basically took advantage of alot of offshore banks and shut them down through bad investments. Those were the real victims of this thing, not Kevin Bacon and those other idiots. That was window dressing. The powers that be needed those financial institutions shut down for a reason. They needed certain things accomplished and Bernie was their cover man for it. That simple.
Now things will continue as planned and everybody can get back to business because now the financial stimulus is in the news along with Tim Geithner. Now he is on the hot seat and taking the heat for the stimulus plan. Another fall guy. Will he take his piss like a man? Probably.
This whole thing is stupid and an insult to people's intelligence. The ones that have any intelligence left that is.
Alex Rodriguez says, "I'm Sorry" for taking steroids and nothing happens to him. Guess we know how the sports "business" works don't we.
Tim Geithner says "I'm Sorry" for forgetting to pay taxes (Not!). What do you know, he gets hired to play the Treasury Secretary. How's that for saying the 2 magic words?
Tom Daschle says "I'm Sorry" for not paying his taxes on all the extras he was getting from a private company that he sat on the board of in California. He was smart he got out before it went any further.
Caroline Kennedy says "I'm Sorry" for not only not paying my taxes but hiring illegal aliens to work for me, (but what I do is none of anyone's business). Then she got out, which was the smartest thing she could have ever done because she had absolutely no personality.
This is just some of the people that have recently said the 2 magic words.
But those words only work for the rich and well to do. Those words don't do jack shit for the little people. If the tax man came around and wanted to know why you didn't pay your taxes and you told him "I'm Sorry", your ass would be in jail so fast that you wouldn't know what hit you. Not only that but the tax people would take everything you own. That is what "I'm Sorry" gets the little guy.
I am so sick of hearing that phrase I don't know what to do. But the sad thing is that we will keep on hearing it over and over again as these people come before us for whatever punishment they have coming for not doing something or other that they were either supposed to do or asked to do.
You can usually tell which it is by the form of punishment the person either takes or is subjected to in the media.
Bernie Madoff was easy. You could tell what his situation was. He was hired to do exactly what he did. The powers that be needed what happened to Bernie to happen. It was a cover story to hide something else more nefarious that was going on elsewhere. When whatever was happening was done, Bernie magically got off.
Bernie was an excellent soldier. He said nothing, gave no press conferences. You didn't hear from a lawyer and no one was making the Madoff rounds on the talk shows. You saw a few pictures of him and was constantly inundated with all the poor slobs who were his victims. But you heard nothing of any relevance to anything. Then magically on Friday in a 2 second blurb at 4:30 pm you hear "Breaking News". Bernie Madoff has been fined a small sum, has to pay back a few people and goes back to his 1 bunk Hilton to continue on his way as a Wall Street Investor. He admitted no guilt but said "I'm Sorry". That was all there was to it and you have heard not one single word since. Nor will you.
Bernie Madoff took the heat and kept his mouth shut and was well rewarded for it. He took the hit and took a piss like a man and walked without anything real happening to him and not 1 newscaster is questioning anything. How odd.
Or is it? I don't think so. Madoff had to be the fall guy for what happened. The powers that be basically took advantage of alot of offshore banks and shut them down through bad investments. Those were the real victims of this thing, not Kevin Bacon and those other idiots. That was window dressing. The powers that be needed those financial institutions shut down for a reason. They needed certain things accomplished and Bernie was their cover man for it. That simple.
Now things will continue as planned and everybody can get back to business because now the financial stimulus is in the news along with Tim Geithner. Now he is on the hot seat and taking the heat for the stimulus plan. Another fall guy. Will he take his piss like a man? Probably.
This whole thing is stupid and an insult to people's intelligence. The ones that have any intelligence left that is.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Patrick Swayze Has AIDS
Well I was out doing my weekly grocery shopping the other day and as usual I always do a quick scan of the Hot Sheets before checking out. That is where the real news is anyway. But one thing has continued to bother me.
The Hot Sheets refuse to acknowledge the truth about Patrick Swayze. They will not come right out and say what needs to be said. He has AIDS.
What makes me giggle is the fact that as many famous people as we have seen that do in fact admit they have AIDS and we cannot tell when we actually see one of them. He has all the signs. He looks like AIDS.
Listen, the man now has pneumonia. That alone is one of the things that happens just before they die. Their immune system is shot. They get sick. But the powers that be want us to believe that chemo is the reason for this happening.
Here's the truth. Patrick Swayze, although not that great of an actor mind you, does not want his career to be remembered in the way so many have.....for being gay. He does not want to go out that way. That is why he has done the new cable TV show and is making what some are calling a "come back". Though it isn't really a comeback because he was never gone to begin with. He never made it as a top notch actor. He never made it past B grade acting. His most memorable role was "Dirty Dancing". Hardly Shakespearan wouldn't you say? But he doesn't want to be saddled with the gay moniker.
The man may not in fact be a full blown gay. He may have only had one gay experience in his life. Or he may be a former member of the male sex slavery ring. Usually you can tell them apart from the others because of the way they are billed to the public. Swayze was known for being "hot" in his younger days. He looked like he could have been gay. Most of the young actors coming up now are and you can tell it easily. They look and act gay.
Swayze has AIDS. It ain't got shit to do with pancreatic cancer. Sounds good in the headlines though and garners quite a bit of sympathy from the masses. But it ain't cancer people.
The Hot Sheets refuse to acknowledge the truth about Patrick Swayze. They will not come right out and say what needs to be said. He has AIDS.
What makes me giggle is the fact that as many famous people as we have seen that do in fact admit they have AIDS and we cannot tell when we actually see one of them. He has all the signs. He looks like AIDS.
Listen, the man now has pneumonia. That alone is one of the things that happens just before they die. Their immune system is shot. They get sick. But the powers that be want us to believe that chemo is the reason for this happening.
Here's the truth. Patrick Swayze, although not that great of an actor mind you, does not want his career to be remembered in the way so many have.....for being gay. He does not want to go out that way. That is why he has done the new cable TV show and is making what some are calling a "come back". Though it isn't really a comeback because he was never gone to begin with. He never made it as a top notch actor. He never made it past B grade acting. His most memorable role was "Dirty Dancing". Hardly Shakespearan wouldn't you say? But he doesn't want to be saddled with the gay moniker.
The man may not in fact be a full blown gay. He may have only had one gay experience in his life. Or he may be a former member of the male sex slavery ring. Usually you can tell them apart from the others because of the way they are billed to the public. Swayze was known for being "hot" in his younger days. He looked like he could have been gay. Most of the young actors coming up now are and you can tell it easily. They look and act gay.
Swayze has AIDS. It ain't got shit to do with pancreatic cancer. Sounds good in the headlines though and garners quite a bit of sympathy from the masses. But it ain't cancer people.
Ashton Kutcher is an Idiot
Did you read that story out about Ashton Kutcher who was awakened harshly the other morning by some other pod person doing construction work on their house next door? I did and wasn't impressed in the least by what supposedly took place.
When you pay attention in class you can easily spot "attention getters" when they happen. Pod people who can't seem to do anything interesting enough to stay in the public eye so they have to "create as artists" a phony attention getting situation to say "look at me". This is plainly what that was. Harken back to the days of old when Janet Jackson needed to promote her new album so she flashed everyone at the Super Bowl. That was an "attention getter". A "look at me" moment if you will.
Demi Moore would have been better off to do a striptease for the neighbors (whoever they were). But instead we supposedly got the Ashton Kutcher imitation of a "raving maniac". Complete mind you with video and sound recordings (for posterity of course).
The next day this "rampage" that Kutcher went on once he was "harshly" awakened by the sound of jackhammers in his ear was followed up by an apology to the neighbors video. He publicly apologized on his blog space and he and wife Demi were video tapped showering the neighboring pod people with Vitamin Water. Why it was like mana from heaven. Probably what the truth was was in fact the pod people next door out ranked Kutcher in blood line and told him to get his fucking shit together.
This is all stupid. Pod people live in a world that is so phony that if they EVER had to spend a moment BACK IN THE REAL WORLD they would kill themselves. They started out in the real world until being plucked from their adoptive parents and placed where they could be more "useful". Sound crazy? Not as crazy as the lives they live.
These freaks are being held up to us as pagan gods. We are supposed to worship them and consider them to be all powerful in some respect. I find that as time goes by the pod people are starting to actually look like the freaks they really are. The veneer is starting to come off. It's like a scene out of "Death Becomes Her". They are actually starting to look like the freaks they really are.
I used to be like everyone else. This is why I can talk. I know what it is like to look upon the stars and wish I could be like them or just be able to meet one or see one. I too, at one time put too much emphasis on something that was in fact not real at all. These pod people are created for our viewing enjoyment. THEY ARE NOT REAL.
Yes, they live and breath just like us and put their pants on just like us. They walk and talk just like us. But they are not just like us. They live in worlds that we don't. They eat and drink foods we don't. They shop where we don't. They live where we don't. They do jobs that we don't. They are not just like us.
Try to tell the majority of people that and they will think you quite insane. "Of course they are real people" the masses will tell you. "Of course they are just like us, they just got lucky is all". This is the mindset of the common man. This is the mindset that makes the pod people rich.
Now here is the kicker.
Most pod people have no real talent to speak of. They of course were born of royal blood (powers that be) and were placed among the little people to be raised up until that time when they would be taken back to whence they originally came. Those that aren't that royal are placed in Hollywood. Others placed in politics, others yet in the news media. Others still yet as world leaders, etc. Those that are put before you in any kind of public way, shape or form are not like you and me. Depending on their blood line levels determine where they go.
Those in Hollywood are not all talented. They are there due to their birthright AND they are also leftovers from the child sex slavery rings. They have to be utilized somehow. Where do you think the majority of kids living on the streets come from? Dumped after being used in the slavery rings and not fit for anything other than the streets. This is why they never get helped. Have you ever seen the supposed shelters and groups actually helping anyone? They don't. They are covers for something else. Yes, if you go to one you will see kids hanging around but they aren't doing anything about these kids. It looks good, but it doesn't do anything. If I had to guess it is nothing more than a monitoring station for the powers that be for the kids they are dumping to make sure that the kids don't start running their mouths about what is really going on.
Look, think about this for a moment. Have you ever seen in any town in America where you have large concentrations of homeless kids? The answer is a resounding NO. Why? Because if you want to see large concentrations of homeless kids look to the very cities where Hollywood is or fame and fortune can be found and that is where you will find them. You WILL NOT find them in Tucumcari, New Mexico. But you will find them dumped off in Seattle, Hollywood, New York City, etc. Places that are large and they can blend in where no questions get asked.
Call me crazy, but it is what it is. Dispute it if you want to but look around to see that my point is quite valid.
This is why you get the gay, drug and alcohol problems that you do in Hollywood. They are fucked up when they get there and given a license to continue their fucked up habit patterns in Hollywood under the guise of "artistic creativity". But what happens when you realize that hero of yours isn't all that creative to begin with and has been faking it all this time? Like say....oh I don't know Ashton Kutcher? The kid was one of the cast members of "That Seventies Show". He wasn't a stand out actor by any means. He got a few reality shows on MTV and VH1. ALL his movies are forgettable. He will never be in the ranks of more creative artists like John Malkovich or Tommy Lee Jones or Robert De Niro or Al Pacino. Ashton Kutcher is not talented and has to resort to yelling at his neighbors for attention. What a ridiculous situation to be in. How degrading.
It reminds me of the movie "Elephant Man" when the Elephant Man yells "I'm not a freak!". Yeah.....you are. So is Ashton Kutcher and that plastic wife of his Demi Moore. All of Hollywood are freaks. Didn't Brittany Spears pull back the curtain far enough for everyone to see what it is like in Hollywood for the untalented? She's not talented. She sounds just like every other female in the music business. There used to be a time when the singers had a distinct style and you could tell them by their style. Now they are cookie cutter singers. The music business has a particular sound that they believe the public not only wants but needs and they churn out singer after singer after singer after singer who sings exactly the same shitty way.
When are the people going to wake up and realize they are being played like suckers having these pod people thrust upon them like cheap kewpie dolls and made to think they are gods worthy of being in the heavens above? I hold out very little hope for the masses. They have taken too many drugs.
What I would like to know though is one thing: What the hell is in that Vitamin Water?
When you pay attention in class you can easily spot "attention getters" when they happen. Pod people who can't seem to do anything interesting enough to stay in the public eye so they have to "create as artists" a phony attention getting situation to say "look at me". This is plainly what that was. Harken back to the days of old when Janet Jackson needed to promote her new album so she flashed everyone at the Super Bowl. That was an "attention getter". A "look at me" moment if you will.
Demi Moore would have been better off to do a striptease for the neighbors (whoever they were). But instead we supposedly got the Ashton Kutcher imitation of a "raving maniac". Complete mind you with video and sound recordings (for posterity of course).
The next day this "rampage" that Kutcher went on once he was "harshly" awakened by the sound of jackhammers in his ear was followed up by an apology to the neighbors video. He publicly apologized on his blog space and he and wife Demi were video tapped showering the neighboring pod people with Vitamin Water. Why it was like mana from heaven. Probably what the truth was was in fact the pod people next door out ranked Kutcher in blood line and told him to get his fucking shit together.
This is all stupid. Pod people live in a world that is so phony that if they EVER had to spend a moment BACK IN THE REAL WORLD they would kill themselves. They started out in the real world until being plucked from their adoptive parents and placed where they could be more "useful". Sound crazy? Not as crazy as the lives they live.
These freaks are being held up to us as pagan gods. We are supposed to worship them and consider them to be all powerful in some respect. I find that as time goes by the pod people are starting to actually look like the freaks they really are. The veneer is starting to come off. It's like a scene out of "Death Becomes Her". They are actually starting to look like the freaks they really are.
I used to be like everyone else. This is why I can talk. I know what it is like to look upon the stars and wish I could be like them or just be able to meet one or see one. I too, at one time put too much emphasis on something that was in fact not real at all. These pod people are created for our viewing enjoyment. THEY ARE NOT REAL.
Yes, they live and breath just like us and put their pants on just like us. They walk and talk just like us. But they are not just like us. They live in worlds that we don't. They eat and drink foods we don't. They shop where we don't. They live where we don't. They do jobs that we don't. They are not just like us.
Try to tell the majority of people that and they will think you quite insane. "Of course they are real people" the masses will tell you. "Of course they are just like us, they just got lucky is all". This is the mindset of the common man. This is the mindset that makes the pod people rich.
Now here is the kicker.
Most pod people have no real talent to speak of. They of course were born of royal blood (powers that be) and were placed among the little people to be raised up until that time when they would be taken back to whence they originally came. Those that aren't that royal are placed in Hollywood. Others placed in politics, others yet in the news media. Others still yet as world leaders, etc. Those that are put before you in any kind of public way, shape or form are not like you and me. Depending on their blood line levels determine where they go.
Those in Hollywood are not all talented. They are there due to their birthright AND they are also leftovers from the child sex slavery rings. They have to be utilized somehow. Where do you think the majority of kids living on the streets come from? Dumped after being used in the slavery rings and not fit for anything other than the streets. This is why they never get helped. Have you ever seen the supposed shelters and groups actually helping anyone? They don't. They are covers for something else. Yes, if you go to one you will see kids hanging around but they aren't doing anything about these kids. It looks good, but it doesn't do anything. If I had to guess it is nothing more than a monitoring station for the powers that be for the kids they are dumping to make sure that the kids don't start running their mouths about what is really going on.
Look, think about this for a moment. Have you ever seen in any town in America where you have large concentrations of homeless kids? The answer is a resounding NO. Why? Because if you want to see large concentrations of homeless kids look to the very cities where Hollywood is or fame and fortune can be found and that is where you will find them. You WILL NOT find them in Tucumcari, New Mexico. But you will find them dumped off in Seattle, Hollywood, New York City, etc. Places that are large and they can blend in where no questions get asked.
Call me crazy, but it is what it is. Dispute it if you want to but look around to see that my point is quite valid.
This is why you get the gay, drug and alcohol problems that you do in Hollywood. They are fucked up when they get there and given a license to continue their fucked up habit patterns in Hollywood under the guise of "artistic creativity". But what happens when you realize that hero of yours isn't all that creative to begin with and has been faking it all this time? Like say....oh I don't know Ashton Kutcher? The kid was one of the cast members of "That Seventies Show". He wasn't a stand out actor by any means. He got a few reality shows on MTV and VH1. ALL his movies are forgettable. He will never be in the ranks of more creative artists like John Malkovich or Tommy Lee Jones or Robert De Niro or Al Pacino. Ashton Kutcher is not talented and has to resort to yelling at his neighbors for attention. What a ridiculous situation to be in. How degrading.
It reminds me of the movie "Elephant Man" when the Elephant Man yells "I'm not a freak!". Yeah.....you are. So is Ashton Kutcher and that plastic wife of his Demi Moore. All of Hollywood are freaks. Didn't Brittany Spears pull back the curtain far enough for everyone to see what it is like in Hollywood for the untalented? She's not talented. She sounds just like every other female in the music business. There used to be a time when the singers had a distinct style and you could tell them by their style. Now they are cookie cutter singers. The music business has a particular sound that they believe the public not only wants but needs and they churn out singer after singer after singer after singer who sings exactly the same shitty way.
When are the people going to wake up and realize they are being played like suckers having these pod people thrust upon them like cheap kewpie dolls and made to think they are gods worthy of being in the heavens above? I hold out very little hope for the masses. They have taken too many drugs.
What I would like to know though is one thing: What the hell is in that Vitamin Water?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Will Obama Pass or Fail the Bushies?
The big talk now is whether Bam Bam will push for criminal charges against the Bushies or not. I can answer that for everyone.....in a word NO. He has already said that he does not intend to do anything but "look forward". There's your answer. He isn't going to do anything.
Like Georgy Boy pardoned Henry Lee Lucas, Bam Bam will pardon Georgy Boy.
I find this whole situation ridiculous. Georgy Boy will NEVER be charged with war crimes. EVER. He's a Bush, get over it. He is immune from the law. Georgy Boy has already told everyone that he is in fact ABOVE THE LAW. So there you go.
The whole mess about war crimes charges is nothing more than all the hoopla about Bam Bam's birth certificate and whether or not he is able to be president due to the question of his birthplace.
None of this stuff will ever be solved. We already know the answers but yet we try and seek some kind of justice from the very people that have no intention of getting involved with justice on any level. They are not in the justice business. They are in the war business and they are trying to be about the war schedule. They have a third world war to instigate with Iran.
The people of this country shock and amaze me with their utter stupidity. I may not have the exact answers or all the answers but I have a damn good idea where things are going. I can tell you that it isn't in our favor.
I give Bam Bam about 5-6 months before we hear something about a pardon for Bush or better yet he tells the press to "get over it and forget about it".
Like Georgy Boy pardoned Henry Lee Lucas, Bam Bam will pardon Georgy Boy.
I find this whole situation ridiculous. Georgy Boy will NEVER be charged with war crimes. EVER. He's a Bush, get over it. He is immune from the law. Georgy Boy has already told everyone that he is in fact ABOVE THE LAW. So there you go.
The whole mess about war crimes charges is nothing more than all the hoopla about Bam Bam's birth certificate and whether or not he is able to be president due to the question of his birthplace.
None of this stuff will ever be solved. We already know the answers but yet we try and seek some kind of justice from the very people that have no intention of getting involved with justice on any level. They are not in the justice business. They are in the war business and they are trying to be about the war schedule. They have a third world war to instigate with Iran.
The people of this country shock and amaze me with their utter stupidity. I may not have the exact answers or all the answers but I have a damn good idea where things are going. I can tell you that it isn't in our favor.
I give Bam Bam about 5-6 months before we hear something about a pardon for Bush or better yet he tells the press to "get over it and forget about it".
My Wedding Ring Didn't Go With My Dress
Can you believe that a woman actually said something like that AND expected people to believe her? Just another reminder of how brain dead Jennifer Lopez is.
I often wondered when her and Ben Affleck broke up how she ended up so quickly with one of her own kind. Marc Anthony has never seemed like a man's man to me. He strikes me as an incredibly weak man. Almost a sissy. But when I read on numerous occasions that he controls Lopez, I did not have a problem believing that. He looks like the type of person who would do that. Get someone who is extremely famous and attach himself to her and dominate her.
Pod people are an odd bunch. They are not like the rest of us. They were not raised normally, don't think normally nor do they act normally. This is why Hollywood is the best place for them because they can be themselves and it is accepted by the public.
Jennifer Lopez is miserable. She is unhappy in her marriage and she took off her wedding ring to make a statement. She has said that divorce is not an option and I believe that that is the truth. She will do what she is told. She can take her ring off all day long and that will change nothing. Yes there is trouble in the marriage and no she isn't going anywhere.
To stand in front of the press and say unashamedly that "my wedding ring did not go with my dress" is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard out of a woman. When is it that a wedding ring DOESN'T go with any clothing? It always goes with what you are wearing, it's your wedding ring, DUH!
I guess we are supposed to be all fools and saps and believe whatever it is she says. I can't do that though. I have to call her an idiot because she is in fact acting moronically.
I wonder how long it will take Marc Anthony before he beats her to the point that she will put the damn ring back on and ACT like she is married? Probably after that remark not long.
Always worth watching to see what happens.
I often wondered when her and Ben Affleck broke up how she ended up so quickly with one of her own kind. Marc Anthony has never seemed like a man's man to me. He strikes me as an incredibly weak man. Almost a sissy. But when I read on numerous occasions that he controls Lopez, I did not have a problem believing that. He looks like the type of person who would do that. Get someone who is extremely famous and attach himself to her and dominate her.
Pod people are an odd bunch. They are not like the rest of us. They were not raised normally, don't think normally nor do they act normally. This is why Hollywood is the best place for them because they can be themselves and it is accepted by the public.
Jennifer Lopez is miserable. She is unhappy in her marriage and she took off her wedding ring to make a statement. She has said that divorce is not an option and I believe that that is the truth. She will do what she is told. She can take her ring off all day long and that will change nothing. Yes there is trouble in the marriage and no she isn't going anywhere.
To stand in front of the press and say unashamedly that "my wedding ring did not go with my dress" is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard out of a woman. When is it that a wedding ring DOESN'T go with any clothing? It always goes with what you are wearing, it's your wedding ring, DUH!
I guess we are supposed to be all fools and saps and believe whatever it is she says. I can't do that though. I have to call her an idiot because she is in fact acting moronically.
I wonder how long it will take Marc Anthony before he beats her to the point that she will put the damn ring back on and ACT like she is married? Probably after that remark not long.
Always worth watching to see what happens.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Employees - A Necessary Inconvenience
Yes, it's true. I don't want to have to believe it either but I was forced to against my will today at Walmart. It seems to be something that is becoming the norm now when shopping anywhere. But here of late it seems that every time I go to Walmart I have to go directly from the cashier to the Customer Service department without stopping or without passing GO.
It's a sad state of affairs when you go through the checkout line and you are trying to get your groceries or purchases off the spindle so that the cashier can continue bagging. You have to have someone with you to watch the items that are being rung up so that you can make sure that everything rings up properly. It's clearly a two man job.
Anyway, today I was wandering around Walmart for my weekly shopping run and was over in the sporting goods section. I bought a few items that were marked with red tags, meaning that they were of course being discontinued. I then went on my way and finished whatever shopping I had to do.
When I made it to the checkout line, I was rung up and had my groceries and proceeded to check my ticket line by line as I always do before leaving the store.
As has been the case for the last month or so I have had to go straight from the cashier to Customer Service. Last week it was tomatoes that they were charging me Heirloom prices for when they were in fact the low end tomatoes. That nearly required them to call Dick Cheney for approval to reimburse the difference.
This time it was a sporting goods article. 3 of them to be exact. When I checked my ticket I found out that 4 had been scanned when I had only bought 3. There were only 3 on the shelf. Off to the Customer Service counter I went.
Once there the associate promptly told me that she would have to handle that as a "Return" and that it required a Manager's Approval. Hello! Here it comes, the long and involved process of trying to get something so simple straightened out before it becomes the most confusing and complicated procedure known to man.
The Manager shows up and tells me that he can do two things. One - he can check inventory to make sure there were only three on the shelf prior to purchase, which by the way could take hours. Two - he could refund the difference of the 4th one on a GIFT CARD. I looked him in the eye and told him I wanted one thing and one thing only - MY MONEY. He told me he couldn't do that because of what the item was. He told me that it is considered a Return and they don't do returns for some sporting good items. I told him that it wasn't a return because you can't return something that was never in fact PURCHASED! I asked him if Walmart was now in the business of NOT GIVING BACK MONEY? He said no that was not the case. It was the item and the item is considered a Return. I told him I was just at the cashier and it was nothing more than a scan problem that needed to be VOIDED. He told me that if we were still at the cashier's isle it could be handled as a VOID and this situation would not be happening. I told him the options that he was offering were unacceptable. I would not stand by and let him call what was CLEARLY a VOID a RETURN. He called his Manager.
After some whispered chatting between the Manager at Customer Service and the MYSTERY MANAGER he hung up the phone and told the cashier there to REFUND THE MONEY. HELLO!
He apologized for the inconvenience and told me that he hoped this would not happen again. I told him he needed to retrain his cashiers. He admitted that more than a few needed to be retrained. At that point I left the store, knowing somehow that this was going to happen again one day.
Something to pay attention to when doing business out in public now is that companies have started offering GIFT CARDS in place of money. The reason is because by giving you a gift card they give you nothing essentially. If the store goes out of business before you can use it then you have a gift card that is totally worthless. You let the store trade you a useless piece of paper for your money. If you turn right around and use it immediately then you are okay. But if you choose to wait for any reason and the store closes up then you are out the money with no recourse. The store got over on you. Once more the store owners play on the fact that the customer likes convenience and doesn't want the hassle. It's a gamble but the chances of it benefiting the customer are much smaller than the company. Shrewd con game and it works quite well.
What dawned on me as I made my way to my vehicle to leave is that businesses nowadays are increasingly refusing or at least looking for ways to avoid returning any money. I understand why they are doing it. I would even go so far as to recommend to them that they train their cashiers and stockers and pricers to become like nazi's about entering in correct information because this is where the problem begins and ends really.
But the real issue is that employers will not give their employees any incentive to do a better job because anything that they have to offer the employees to do better takes away somehow from their profit margin. They don't want to have to give up one red cent more than absolutely necessary to the employees. The employers would actually prefer that the workers work for free.
This is why I say that EMPLOYEES ARE A NECESSARY INCONVENIENCE. They have to have them because they cannot seem to find a way to do business without them. Oh you have your self checkouts. But even they require a human. When the self checkouts break down or the customer makes a mistake or age verification is required for alcohol or cigarettes you need a human to override the transaction and get the line moving again. You simply cannot 100% automate the retail industry, it cannot be done.
This frustrates business owners who are nowadays in business solely for the bottom line. They are only concerned with what their profit margins are. Any loss, anything at all that they can determine or interpret as a loss is frowned upon and fought against.
That's sad. But this is what business is coming down to. This is what greed has done to the human race. Not just this country. The world is like this. People want what they think is theirs RIGHT NOW and if they have to wait one milli-second they are extremely mad and start dialing their lawyers and looking at possible lawsuits. It's madness. People are in fact quite mad.
But no one will do anything about it because everyone is on their own trip and worrying about ME. They do not care about you or anyone else until YOU keep THEM from getting what they think they want when they think they should have it. Very selfish.
But then what are humans if they aren't selfish, foolish, greedy, self righteous, hypocrites?
It's a sad state of affairs when you go through the checkout line and you are trying to get your groceries or purchases off the spindle so that the cashier can continue bagging. You have to have someone with you to watch the items that are being rung up so that you can make sure that everything rings up properly. It's clearly a two man job.
Anyway, today I was wandering around Walmart for my weekly shopping run and was over in the sporting goods section. I bought a few items that were marked with red tags, meaning that they were of course being discontinued. I then went on my way and finished whatever shopping I had to do.
When I made it to the checkout line, I was rung up and had my groceries and proceeded to check my ticket line by line as I always do before leaving the store.
As has been the case for the last month or so I have had to go straight from the cashier to Customer Service. Last week it was tomatoes that they were charging me Heirloom prices for when they were in fact the low end tomatoes. That nearly required them to call Dick Cheney for approval to reimburse the difference.
This time it was a sporting goods article. 3 of them to be exact. When I checked my ticket I found out that 4 had been scanned when I had only bought 3. There were only 3 on the shelf. Off to the Customer Service counter I went.
Once there the associate promptly told me that she would have to handle that as a "Return" and that it required a Manager's Approval. Hello! Here it comes, the long and involved process of trying to get something so simple straightened out before it becomes the most confusing and complicated procedure known to man.
The Manager shows up and tells me that he can do two things. One - he can check inventory to make sure there were only three on the shelf prior to purchase, which by the way could take hours. Two - he could refund the difference of the 4th one on a GIFT CARD. I looked him in the eye and told him I wanted one thing and one thing only - MY MONEY. He told me he couldn't do that because of what the item was. He told me that it is considered a Return and they don't do returns for some sporting good items. I told him that it wasn't a return because you can't return something that was never in fact PURCHASED! I asked him if Walmart was now in the business of NOT GIVING BACK MONEY? He said no that was not the case. It was the item and the item is considered a Return. I told him I was just at the cashier and it was nothing more than a scan problem that needed to be VOIDED. He told me that if we were still at the cashier's isle it could be handled as a VOID and this situation would not be happening. I told him the options that he was offering were unacceptable. I would not stand by and let him call what was CLEARLY a VOID a RETURN. He called his Manager.
After some whispered chatting between the Manager at Customer Service and the MYSTERY MANAGER he hung up the phone and told the cashier there to REFUND THE MONEY. HELLO!
He apologized for the inconvenience and told me that he hoped this would not happen again. I told him he needed to retrain his cashiers. He admitted that more than a few needed to be retrained. At that point I left the store, knowing somehow that this was going to happen again one day.
Something to pay attention to when doing business out in public now is that companies have started offering GIFT CARDS in place of money. The reason is because by giving you a gift card they give you nothing essentially. If the store goes out of business before you can use it then you have a gift card that is totally worthless. You let the store trade you a useless piece of paper for your money. If you turn right around and use it immediately then you are okay. But if you choose to wait for any reason and the store closes up then you are out the money with no recourse. The store got over on you. Once more the store owners play on the fact that the customer likes convenience and doesn't want the hassle. It's a gamble but the chances of it benefiting the customer are much smaller than the company. Shrewd con game and it works quite well.
What dawned on me as I made my way to my vehicle to leave is that businesses nowadays are increasingly refusing or at least looking for ways to avoid returning any money. I understand why they are doing it. I would even go so far as to recommend to them that they train their cashiers and stockers and pricers to become like nazi's about entering in correct information because this is where the problem begins and ends really.
But the real issue is that employers will not give their employees any incentive to do a better job because anything that they have to offer the employees to do better takes away somehow from their profit margin. They don't want to have to give up one red cent more than absolutely necessary to the employees. The employers would actually prefer that the workers work for free.
This is why I say that EMPLOYEES ARE A NECESSARY INCONVENIENCE. They have to have them because they cannot seem to find a way to do business without them. Oh you have your self checkouts. But even they require a human. When the self checkouts break down or the customer makes a mistake or age verification is required for alcohol or cigarettes you need a human to override the transaction and get the line moving again. You simply cannot 100% automate the retail industry, it cannot be done.
This frustrates business owners who are nowadays in business solely for the bottom line. They are only concerned with what their profit margins are. Any loss, anything at all that they can determine or interpret as a loss is frowned upon and fought against.
That's sad. But this is what business is coming down to. This is what greed has done to the human race. Not just this country. The world is like this. People want what they think is theirs RIGHT NOW and if they have to wait one milli-second they are extremely mad and start dialing their lawyers and looking at possible lawsuits. It's madness. People are in fact quite mad.
But no one will do anything about it because everyone is on their own trip and worrying about ME. They do not care about you or anyone else until YOU keep THEM from getting what they think they want when they think they should have it. Very selfish.
But then what are humans if they aren't selfish, foolish, greedy, self righteous, hypocrites?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Where is God?
I am troubled by the news event of the Airbus A320 that went down in the Hudson Bay. They are continually holding up this pilot as a "Savior". I just heard Chris Matthews on Hardball use just that term.
Chesley Sullenberger is no savior. He is a man, a pilot, but no savior. He should never be held up as anything. I would not want to be any of these people when they do that.
Most people do not clearly understand the danger in idol worship. Most people understand idol worship to be nothing more than having or possessing some kind of figurine or statue. That is not what it is. Mankind can be idols as well. Hence "American Idol". Why do you think they name the show that? Because that is what it is. It deals specifically in that realm.
To hold up a man as a "savior" would be the height of sacriligiousness. They treat this man as if he did something superhuman and in fact he did not. He just did what pilots are supposed to do. That is like holding up a cop for walking his beat or a mailman for delivering his route or a garbage man for emptying the garbage cans on his route. Where is the specialness of what he did?
Where is God? Does anyone know God anymore? What are these Christians doing in church on Sunday? Are they taking down the idol they have hanging up and replacing it with this new god they have created? I wouldn't be surprised.
What are we going to be hearing from this new god now? Will he walk amongst the people and heal the sick and cause the blind to see again? Will he erase hunger or cure disease? You would think that he will be doing that the way people are fawning all over him and raising him up to the heights of godliness.
I think this is terrible the way people are acting. But then again it makes me feel good that Heaven won't be a crowded place because I definitely wouldn't want to share it with these people. They can stay down here and serve their human idols.
Chesley Sullenberger is no savior. He is a man, a pilot, but no savior. He should never be held up as anything. I would not want to be any of these people when they do that.
Most people do not clearly understand the danger in idol worship. Most people understand idol worship to be nothing more than having or possessing some kind of figurine or statue. That is not what it is. Mankind can be idols as well. Hence "American Idol". Why do you think they name the show that? Because that is what it is. It deals specifically in that realm.
To hold up a man as a "savior" would be the height of sacriligiousness. They treat this man as if he did something superhuman and in fact he did not. He just did what pilots are supposed to do. That is like holding up a cop for walking his beat or a mailman for delivering his route or a garbage man for emptying the garbage cans on his route. Where is the specialness of what he did?
Where is God? Does anyone know God anymore? What are these Christians doing in church on Sunday? Are they taking down the idol they have hanging up and replacing it with this new god they have created? I wouldn't be surprised.
What are we going to be hearing from this new god now? Will he walk amongst the people and heal the sick and cause the blind to see again? Will he erase hunger or cure disease? You would think that he will be doing that the way people are fawning all over him and raising him up to the heights of godliness.
I think this is terrible the way people are acting. But then again it makes me feel good that Heaven won't be a crowded place because I definitely wouldn't want to share it with these people. They can stay down here and serve their human idols.
"Joe the Moron" Now A War Correspondent
Have you seen that travesty called "Joe the Plumber" now known as "Joe the War Correspondent"? What will they think of next?
He is supposed to be reporting on the war in Israel. What he is doing is in fact going around and interviewing the reporters and cameramen. The media.
Well he isn't really interviewing them. He is berating them and asking them questions that no matter how they answer they will look bad. This is not his idea mind you. Joe Wurzelbacher does not have two brain cells to rub together. This is something set up for him by some shadowy figure somewhere in the halls of power to make a point to someone. Who we don't know yet. It hasn't made its point to me, but then I don't give a shit about the war or the media or Joe the dufus boy.
But I did get a chance to hear an exchange he was having with some of the media crew and he was being an asshole. He was saying things like "They need to do away with Media" or "Why are you covering this war?" Stupid remarks and questions.
MSNBC made the mistake of showing a clip from him being in Gaza and questioning the media cameramen. But there is next to nothing on the net about it. You can read about him going to do it but nothing about him already over there and what he is doing.
The excuse to send him was that he wanted to talk to the average Joe's over there about the war. But I don't buy that at all. He is wanting his 15 minutes of fame to continue as well as being a whore for someone who has an agenda.
I thought I had seen everything until I saw this and to hear him say "the media needs to be done away with". That tells me that maybe someone is looking to trim down the media and maybe only have one media source? Could be and Joe the Idiot is the one helping to bring that about.
Worth watching to see.
He is supposed to be reporting on the war in Israel. What he is doing is in fact going around and interviewing the reporters and cameramen. The media.
Well he isn't really interviewing them. He is berating them and asking them questions that no matter how they answer they will look bad. This is not his idea mind you. Joe Wurzelbacher does not have two brain cells to rub together. This is something set up for him by some shadowy figure somewhere in the halls of power to make a point to someone. Who we don't know yet. It hasn't made its point to me, but then I don't give a shit about the war or the media or Joe the dufus boy.
But I did get a chance to hear an exchange he was having with some of the media crew and he was being an asshole. He was saying things like "They need to do away with Media" or "Why are you covering this war?" Stupid remarks and questions.
MSNBC made the mistake of showing a clip from him being in Gaza and questioning the media cameramen. But there is next to nothing on the net about it. You can read about him going to do it but nothing about him already over there and what he is doing.
The excuse to send him was that he wanted to talk to the average Joe's over there about the war. But I don't buy that at all. He is wanting his 15 minutes of fame to continue as well as being a whore for someone who has an agenda.
I thought I had seen everything until I saw this and to hear him say "the media needs to be done away with". That tells me that maybe someone is looking to trim down the media and maybe only have one media source? Could be and Joe the Idiot is the one helping to bring that about.
Worth watching to see.
Heroes Aren't Hard To Find OR Whatever You Do Don't Give God Any Credit
Yesterday (Thursday, Jan 15, 2009) a USAir Flight 1549 leaving out of LaGuardia Airport in New York City crash landed in the Hudson River less than a minute after take off due to flying into a flock of Geese. 155 people on board all survived. The pilot, Chesley Sullenberger is being hailed as a Hero for saving all those lives.
I have issues with this.
The pilot did his job and he did it well, there is no question about this. BUT! He did not work a miracle. That can only be attributed to one entity and one entity only - GOD. God is in the miracle business, not mankind. "Sully" did what he was trained to do, no more no less. Don't worship him because he cannot measure up to it.
I saw the headline when it happened yesterday and I said "Another airplane can't seem to stay in the air". But when I turn on Morning Blow this morning and see that this situation is dominating the news I couldn't believe it. Is there not other news happening? Or are they using this situation to distract from other things? Or are they trying to make more out of this than needs to be made? It could be any of those or a combination of all of them.
To listen to the talking heads fawn over the pilot and the passengers were sickening. They were 155 people trying to get from point A to point B. The pilot was piloting a plane. That is the story, no more and no less.
Then we hear about how something is going to have to be done about the Geese! Can't have them in the air endangering the airplanes. The last time I checked the Geese had more rights to the airways than man and his machines have. PETA won't like this one at all.
I thought I had heard just about everything until I heard what they are saying and how they are acting over this crash landing WHERE NO ONE DIED!!! What about all those innocent victims who have died in airplane crashes? Where is their time by the media talking about what a loss and what a tragic event it is that so many died?
The pilot performed no miracles. He just so happened to do his job well. He is already getting a salary to do that to begin with, he needs no added kudo's or perks. He did exactly what he was paid to do. The passengers should be thanking God that he didn't sink the plane before they could get out.
This is why things are so screwed up, people are brain dead.
I have issues with this.
The pilot did his job and he did it well, there is no question about this. BUT! He did not work a miracle. That can only be attributed to one entity and one entity only - GOD. God is in the miracle business, not mankind. "Sully" did what he was trained to do, no more no less. Don't worship him because he cannot measure up to it.
I saw the headline when it happened yesterday and I said "Another airplane can't seem to stay in the air". But when I turn on Morning Blow this morning and see that this situation is dominating the news I couldn't believe it. Is there not other news happening? Or are they using this situation to distract from other things? Or are they trying to make more out of this than needs to be made? It could be any of those or a combination of all of them.
To listen to the talking heads fawn over the pilot and the passengers were sickening. They were 155 people trying to get from point A to point B. The pilot was piloting a plane. That is the story, no more and no less.
Then we hear about how something is going to have to be done about the Geese! Can't have them in the air endangering the airplanes. The last time I checked the Geese had more rights to the airways than man and his machines have. PETA won't like this one at all.
I thought I had heard just about everything until I heard what they are saying and how they are acting over this crash landing WHERE NO ONE DIED!!! What about all those innocent victims who have died in airplane crashes? Where is their time by the media talking about what a loss and what a tragic event it is that so many died?
The pilot performed no miracles. He just so happened to do his job well. He is already getting a salary to do that to begin with, he needs no added kudo's or perks. He did exactly what he was paid to do. The passengers should be thanking God that he didn't sink the plane before they could get out.
This is why things are so screwed up, people are brain dead.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The New Speak
Well, I am noticing some new and not so new terminology floating around in the mainstream media. Some of which bothers me quite a bit.
I was watching Headline News the other day while doing some things and they were talking about the latest financial tragedy to hit the news. Some guy who was supposed to be a financial advisor, pilot hobbyist, nouveau riche idiot had tried to fake his own death after supposedly ripping people off for millions of dollars.
He flies his plane out of Indiana into Birmingham, Alabama, puts the plane on auto pilot, parachutes out and lands in a tiny place in North Western Florida. Grabs a motorcycle he has in storage and takes off. He ends up that night in a KOA Kampground in Florida and proceeds to take a tent site and hooks into the campgrounds internet. He sends an email to a friend and the feds catch the email going through and locate him.
Now supposedly he has crashed his plane, put in a fake call to the coast guard and is now on the run.
This story makes no sense.
The US Marshalls descend on him at the campground. They say they can see inside his tent and see that he is laying there in a pool of his own blood. How can they do this at night without making known their position?
Anyway, when they bust in on the tent they find him laying there with his wrists slashed and empty pill container. They say had he laid there another hour he would have been dead. How unfortunate for this guy.
This guys name is Marcus Schrenker. His wife had just filed for divorce on him and everything was supposedly turning to shit in his life so he decided to fake his own death and take what money he had and disappear. I don't believe that story for a minute.
Then of course you have all the other "news worthy" stories going on.
But the reason that I talk about this one here is because during the news report on this guy the newscaster kept using a term that was quite interesting and quite bothersome at the same time.
The newscaster kept describing this man as a "malignant self focuser". I had to stop and think about that for a minute. He used it a couple of times during different stories but the common thread here was the people he was using it to describe were all wealthy people that were in trouble.
I have a problem with that type of description. The reason that I do is because I know a hell of a lot of poor white trash who can be described that way. You don't have to be rich to be that.
This is one of the many terms that I am noticing are surfacing now that we are getting a "change that we can believe in".
Some of the terms that I am hearing are:
Tainted - (Anything that isn't perfectly acceptable)
Transparency - (Everything has to be transparent now)
Drinking the Kool-aid - (When you are deluding yourself about something)
Move Forward - (Stop thinking negatively)
These are just some of the terms that I can think of right off the top of my head. There are more and I have a feeling there will be even more in the near future.
We are truly living in dangerous times.
I was watching Headline News the other day while doing some things and they were talking about the latest financial tragedy to hit the news. Some guy who was supposed to be a financial advisor, pilot hobbyist, nouveau riche idiot had tried to fake his own death after supposedly ripping people off for millions of dollars.
He flies his plane out of Indiana into Birmingham, Alabama, puts the plane on auto pilot, parachutes out and lands in a tiny place in North Western Florida. Grabs a motorcycle he has in storage and takes off. He ends up that night in a KOA Kampground in Florida and proceeds to take a tent site and hooks into the campgrounds internet. He sends an email to a friend and the feds catch the email going through and locate him.
Now supposedly he has crashed his plane, put in a fake call to the coast guard and is now on the run.
This story makes no sense.
The US Marshalls descend on him at the campground. They say they can see inside his tent and see that he is laying there in a pool of his own blood. How can they do this at night without making known their position?
Anyway, when they bust in on the tent they find him laying there with his wrists slashed and empty pill container. They say had he laid there another hour he would have been dead. How unfortunate for this guy.
This guys name is Marcus Schrenker. His wife had just filed for divorce on him and everything was supposedly turning to shit in his life so he decided to fake his own death and take what money he had and disappear. I don't believe that story for a minute.
Then of course you have all the other "news worthy" stories going on.
But the reason that I talk about this one here is because during the news report on this guy the newscaster kept using a term that was quite interesting and quite bothersome at the same time.
The newscaster kept describing this man as a "malignant self focuser". I had to stop and think about that for a minute. He used it a couple of times during different stories but the common thread here was the people he was using it to describe were all wealthy people that were in trouble.
I have a problem with that type of description. The reason that I do is because I know a hell of a lot of poor white trash who can be described that way. You don't have to be rich to be that.
This is one of the many terms that I am noticing are surfacing now that we are getting a "change that we can believe in".
Some of the terms that I am hearing are:
Tainted - (Anything that isn't perfectly acceptable)
Transparency - (Everything has to be transparent now)
Drinking the Kool-aid - (When you are deluding yourself about something)
Move Forward - (Stop thinking negatively)
These are just some of the terms that I can think of right off the top of my head. There are more and I have a feeling there will be even more in the near future.
We are truly living in dangerous times.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Who Really Made Off With the 50 Billion?
Poor 'ol Bernie Madoff, played for a sucker and is taking his first piss like a man. He will be well rewarded after this is over.
They are throwing the term "Ponzi Scheme" around now like we all know what the hell it means. I didn't. But then I'm not in the business of ripping people off for a living either, so I guess I wouldn't know that term. However, I did go to the trouble of looking it up so I would know what it was when I criticize it.
Where does the term Ponzi Scheme originate from?
Charles Ponzi (March 3, 1882 – January 18, 1949) was one of the greatest swindlers in American history. His aliases include Charles Ponei, Charles P. Bianchi, Carl and Carlo. The term "Ponzi scheme" is a widely known description of any scam that relies on a "pyramid" of "investors" who contribute money to a fraudulent program. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeeming them at face value in the United States as a form of arbitrage. Ponzi was probably inspired by the scheme of William Miller, a Brooklyn bookkeeper who in 1899 used the same pyramid scheme to take in $1 million.
Well there you have it. It's a Pyramid Scheme. Why couldn't they call it that? Everyone knows what a Pyramid Scheme is. I guess it wasn't glamorous enough a term for them. PONZI SCHEME sounds so much more ominous.
I have waited a while before commenting on this because I wanted to see which way Madoff was going to be taken first. I suspected he was a fall guy. That kind of goes without saying. But would Madoff do a Blago on them or would he go along and take the hit because there would be a sweet payoff later on? Well, looks like he is taking the sweet payoff later on. I guess with as old as he is, that would be the way to go. He really has nothing to gain by standing up against them and trying to fight. After all look at what he loses. He's too old for it to really matter.
He'll get a couple of years in jail MAYBE! He may end up doing his time in his penthouse. With everything else going on I don't think it really matters to the people. They don't seem to care that they are getting ripped off. I mean you hear about some of the rich whining and crying about it but they don't count, they have millions. I'm talking about the little people. But then the little people weren't effected by Bernie Madoff. He was only going after the wealthy.
The targets are what I am interested in seeing. Who were the "victims" that Madoff targeted?
Fairfield Greenwich Advisors - An investment management firm
More than half of Fairfield Greenwich's $14.1 billion in assets under management, or about $7.5 billion was connected to Madoff.
Tremont Group Holdings - Asset management firm
The investment firm is owned by OppenheimerFunds and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Tremont's Rye Investment Management business had $3.1 billion invested, and its fund of funds group invested another $200 million. The loss is more than half of all assets overseen by Tremont.
Banco Santander - Spanish bank
In euros, the figure is 2.33 billion.Of that, 2.01 billion euros belongs to institutional investors, Optimal Strategic hedge fund investors (international private banking customers); 320 mllion euros belongs to other private banking customers.
Bank Medici - Austrian bank
The bank had two funds with $2.1 billion (1.5 billion euros) invested with Madoff. Bank Medici is 25% owned by Unicredit SpA and 75% owned by chairwoman Sonja Kohn. Hedge funds run by the bank had almost all their money invested with Madoff.
Ascot Partners - A hedge fund founded by billionaire investor, philanthropist and GMAC chief J. Ezra Merkin
The hedge fund had $1.8 billion under management as of Sept. 30, had substantially all of its assets invested with Mr. Madoff. Austria's government named Gerhard Altenberger to manage the bank, but won't supply it with funds.
Access International Advisors - A New York based investment firm
The investment-advisory firm's co-founder Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet, 65, was found dead in his Manhattan office on Dec. 24, 2008, in an apparent suicide. Mr. De La Villehuchet lost about $50 million, the bulk of his personal wealth.
Fortis - Dutch bank
Fortis Bank and its subsidiaries have no direct exposure to Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC, but parts of the group do have a risk exposure to certain funds it provides collateralized lending to. If, as a result of the alleged fraud, the value of the assets of these funds is nil and the respective clients cannot meet their obligations, Fortis Bank Nederland (Holding) N.V.'s loss could amount to around EUR 850 million to EUR 1 billion. The continuity of Fortis Bank Nederland (Holding) N.V.and its subsidiaries is not at stake in any way.
Union Bancaire Privee - Swiss bank
Half of UBP's 22 funds of funds put at least some of their money into Madoff-related investment vehicles, including one run by J. Ezra Merkin. The principal fund, Dinvest Total Return, had about 3% of its more than $1 billion of assets in Madoff-related funds. One fund of funds had as much as 6.9% of assets in Madoff-related funds. The bank had most recently met with Madoff Nov. 25 as part of an ongoing vetting process.
HSBC - British bank
HSBC provided financing to a small number of institutional clients who invested in funds with Madoff; some clients in its global custody business have invested with Madoff, but the company doesn't believe these arrangements should be a source of exposure to the group.
Natixis SA - A French investment bank
The company says it didn't make direct investment in Madoff-managed funds; some investments made on behalf of customers could have ended up being managed by Madoff. Exposure is about 450 million euros.
Carl Shapiro - The founder & former chairman of apparel company Kay Windsor Inc., & his wife
Mr. Shapiro, a 95-year-old apparel entrepreneur and investor, has personally lost an estimated $400 million from the Madoff fraud, including $250 million he gave Mr. Madoff on Dec. 1. His charitable foundation, the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation, has lost an estimated $100 million or more. Mr. Shapiro, a widely respected philanthropist, was one of Mr. Madoff's earliest and largest investors.
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC - British bank
The bank had exposure of about 400 million pounds to Madoff through trading, collateralized lending.
BNP Paribas - French bank
The company said it has no investment of its own in Madoff-managed hedge fund but it does have risk exposure (up to 350 million euros) through its trading business and collateralized lending to funds of hedge funds.
BBVA - Spanish bank
The company reiterated it doesn't have direct exposure to Madoff but would face losses of 300 million euros if Madoff funds were found not to exist.
Man Group PLC - A UK Hedge Fund
Invested in funds directly/indirectly sub-advised by Madoff Securities
Reichmuth & Co - A Swiss private bank
The Lucerne-based private bank warned investors that around 385 million Swiss francs, or 3.5% of its assets under management, were affected.
Nomura Holdings - Japanese brokerage firm
The 27.5 billion yen exposure is through Fairfield Sentry; That amount represents 0.2% of assets under management.
Maxam Capital Management - A fund of funds based in Darien, Connecticut
The fund reported a combined loss of $280 million on funds they had invested.
EIM SA - A European investment manager with about $11 billion in assets
The European investment manager with about $11 billion in assets. Overall, EIM assets at risk are less than 2% of what it manages.
AXA SA - French insurance giant
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Exposure is well below 100 million euros.
UniCredit SpA - Italian Bank
The company's total exposure is about 75 million euros. Dublin-based Pioneer Alternative Investments is indirectly exposed to Madoff via feeders; Italian clients have zero exposure.
Nordea Bank AB - Swedish Bank
The amount of exposure is about 48 million euros.
Hyposwiss - A Swiss private bank owned by St. Galler Kantonalbank
Hyposwiss said roughly 0.1% of its overall assets was invested in Madoff products through managed accounts. Another $100 million is exposed through clients who chose to invest in Madoff funds. St. Galler Kantonalbank said its financial situation and liquidity aren't hurt by Hyposwiss' exposure.
Banque Benedict Hentsch & Cie. SA - A Swiss-based private bank
Banque Benedict Hentsch said its clients have 56 million Swiss francs at risk. Benedict Hentsch had also recently agreed to merge with Fairfield Greenwich Group, a major Madoff distributor. When the news of Mr. Madoff's arrest broke, it scrambled to undo that deal.
Fairfield, Connecticut - Town Pension Fund
The town's employees board and police and fire board, which cover 971 workers, had $41.9 million invested with Madoff, said Paul Hiller, Fairfield's chief fiscal officer.
Bramdean Alternatives - An asset manager
The exposure is about 9.5% of assets.
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles - The largest manager of charitable gift assets for Los Angeles Jewish philanthropists
The amount invested with Madoff represented less than 5% of the Foundation's assets.
Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd - Israel-based insurance firm
Baloise Holding AG - Swiss Insurer
Societe Generale - French Bank
The company says its exposure, which is less than 10 million euros, is "negligible."
Groupama SA - French Insurer
Exposure is around 10 million euros.
Credit Agricole SA - French bank
Exposure is less than 10 million euros.
Richard Spring - Individual Investor
A Boca Raton resident & former securities analyst, says he had about 95% of his net worth invested with Mr. Madoff. Mr. Spring said he was also one of the unofficial agents who connected Mr. Madoff with dozens of investors, from a teacher who put in $50,000 to entrepreneurs and executives who would put in millions.
RAB Capital - Hedge Fund
Banco Popolare - Italian bank
The company says it had indirect exposure of up to 8 million euros; maximum lost on funds distributed to institutional, private clients is about 60 million euros.
Korea Teachers Pension - A 10 trillion won Korean pension fund
Swiss Life Holding - Swiss insurer
Swiss Life said it has indirectly invested assets worth around 90 million Swiss francs through funds of funds managed by Madoff Investment Securities.
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System - health system
Exposure represents less than 1% of the health system's investment portfolio. A donor agreed to reimburse the system for any losses.
Neue Privat Bank - Swiss bank
The bank invested in a certificate based on a hedge fund with exposure to Madoff
Clal Insurance Enterprise Holdings - An Israel-based financial services company
Ira Roth - Individual Investor
Mr. Roth, a New Jersey resident, says his family has about $1 million invested through Mr. Madoff's firm.
Mediobanca SpA - via its subsidiary Compagnie Monegasque de Banque.
Limited to $671,000 via its Compagnie Monegasque de Banque. via its subsidiary Compagnie Monegasque de Banque.
Fred Wilpon - Owner of New York Mets
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Steven Spielberg - The Spielberg charity -- the Wunderkinder Foundation
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
JEHT Foundation - A New York foundation focused on electoral and criminal justice reform
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The foundation, which stands for Justice, Equality, Human dignity and Tolerance, will close its doors at the end of January 2009. Major donors Jeanne Levy-Church and Kenneth Levy-Church had all their funds managed through Madoff.
Mortimer B. Zuckerman Charitable Remainder Trust - The charitable trust of real-estate magnate, who owns the Daily News and U.S. News & World Report
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Funds exposed represented 11% of the value of that charitable trust.
Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation - A Massachusetts-based Jewish charity
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The group, which financed trips for Jewish youth to Israel, was forced to close because the money that supported its programs was invested with Madoff.
Chais Family Foundation - A charity that gave to Jewish causes
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Money manager Stanley Chais managed investments he called "the arbitrage partnerships," according to investors and firm correspondence. His California-based charity group invested entirely with Madoff, and was forced to shut down operations after years of donating some $12.5 million annually to Jewish causes in Israel and Eastern Europe.
KBC Group NV - Belgian Banking & Insurance Group
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
No direct exposure; some indirect exposure through collateralized loans, but the exposure is very limited and immaterial to KBC's earnings. KBC has also made some loan advances to institutional customers who have invested in funds managed by Madoff Investment Securities, but this shouldn't have any material impact either, the company said.
Barclays PLC - British bank
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The bank says it has "minimal" exposure" and is "fully collateralized"
Dexia - French bank
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
No direct investments in funds managed by Madoff,; private banking clients have total exposure of 78 million euros to funds primarily invested in Madoff funds. Indirectly, Dexia is exposed through partially collateralized lending operations to funds exposed to Madoff funds for a gross amount of 164 million euros. If the assets managed by Madoff Investment Securities were nil, the above mentioned lending operations could trigger an after tax loss of about 85 million euros for Dexia.
Allianz Global Investors - The asset management unit of German insurer Allianz SE
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The unit says exposure "is not significant."
Banco Espanol de Credito SA (Banesto) - A Spanish bank contolled by Banco Santander
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Its clients have a total 2 million euro exposure; The amount is included in the 2.33 billion euros already disclosed by parent company Banco Santander.
CNP Assurances - French insurer
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
No direct exposure. Indirect exposure of 3 million euros via a fund of funds
UBS AG - Swiss bank
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The bank says is has "no material exposure." It declined to comment on press reports that its funds-of-funds for clients had $1.4 billion in exposure
Yeshiva University - A New York - based private university
The university's chief financial officer said that the school's actual principal investment in a hedge fund linked to Madoff had been only $14.5 million. On paper, that stake had exploded in value over the past 15 years to $110 million. Although the university had "no direct investments" in Madoff's firm, a portion of its endowment had been invested for 15 years with Ascot Partners, which had "substantially all its assets invested with Madoff." J. Ezra Merkin had been a University trustee but has resigned. Madoff was also on the school's board but has resigned.
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity - The charitable foundation of Nobel laureate
The Foundation's mission, rooted in the memory of the Holocaust, is to combat indifference, intolerance and injustice through international dialogue and youth-focused programs that promote acceptance, understanding and equality. It said it invested "substantially all" of its assets.
Leonard Feinstein - The co-founder of retailer Bed Bath & Beyond
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Sen. Frank Lautenberg - The charitable foundation of the New Jersey Senator's family
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Norman Braman - former owner of Philadelphia Eagles
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Jeffrey Katzenberg - The chief executive of DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Mr. Katzenberg's financial affairs along with those of Mr. Spielberg were managed by Mr. Breslauer, Mr. Katzenberg has suffered millions in Madoff-connected losses, say people familiar with the matter.
Gerald Breslauer - The Hollywood financial advisor to Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Along with Katzenberg and Spielberg, Breslauer himself has likely sustained heavy losses in the Madoff affair. He customarily invests alongside his clients, say these people, and has sometimes been a larger investor than the people he represented
Kingate Management - Hedge Fund
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Kingate's $2.8 billion hedge fund Kiingate Global Fund reportedly invested heavily with Madoff
Julian J. Levitt Foundation - Texas-based charity
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Loeb family
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Lawrence Velvel - Individual Investor
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Mr. Velvel is dean of the Massachusetts School of Law
Fix Asset Management - Hedge Fund
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Reportedly invested heavily in Madoff's portfolios
Genevalor, Benbassat & Cie - Money manager in Geneva
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Members of the Benbassat family, which run the firm, have long known Mr. Madoff. In a statement on its Web site, Genevalor said it "has been reviewing the potential damages caused to its clients" by the alleged Madoff fraud. A statement from the Thema fund said it had assets with Madoff that were now frozen, but did not elaborate.
Banco Espirito Santo - Portugese bank
The amount represents about 0.1% of assets under management.
Great Eastern Holding - Singapore insurer
Great Eastern said S$7.7 million of its S$64 million exposure is invested from its Life Fund. Great Eastern is 87% owned ny Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp.
M&B Capital Advisers - Spanish brokerage
The firm is run by the son and son-in-law of the chairman of Banco Santander. Through M&B, private and institutional investors bought more than $214 million in Madoff's funds.
Royal Dutch Shell pension fund - Global energy & petrochemical company
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The pension fund fund has an indirect investment that may be affected. The fund originally invested $45 million. The alleged fraud won't affect the financial position and funding status of the fund.
Phoenix Holdings - Israeli financial services company
Phoenix's insurance unit invested $15 million over the last three years in funds managed by Thema, which made investments through Madoff. In November, the company requested to redeem $10 million. The payment was due Dec. 12 but Phoenix hasn't received it.
Credicorp - Peruvian financial services company
Credicorp's Atlantic Security Bank unit has $1 million in direct exposure and up to $3.5 million in potential contingencies "related to transactions secured by these investments."
Fukoku Mutual Life Co - Japanese insurer
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The company said it holds similar investments trusts to those held by Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. but declined to specify the balance. Sumitomo disclosed that it has about 2 billion yen, or about $22 million, exposed via trusts.
New York Law School - Law School in New York City
The school invested the money through its endowment entity. The school filed an investor lawsuit against J. Ezra Merkin, Ascot Partners and BDO Seidman.
Nipponkoa Insurance - Japanese insurer
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The company said it holds similar investments trusts to those held by Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. but declined to specify the balance. Sumitomo disclosed that it has about Y2 billion exposed via trusts.
Sumitomo Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Sumitomo Life didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund but part of its investment trust holdings were linked to it.
Swiss Reinsurance Co - Swiss insurer
Indirect exposure, less than $3 million, is through hedge fund investments; no direct exposure.
Aozora Bank Ltd - Japanese lender
Aozora entrusted 12.4 billion yen to investment funds, which invested with Madoff. Cerberus Capital Management LP owns a majority stake in Aozora.
UBI Banca - Italian bank
The bank said the exposure is linked to proprietary investments. UBI Pramerica and Capitalgest Alternative Investments, the assets-under-management units, have no exposure.
Taiyo Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Taiyo Life didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Caisse d'Epargne - French bank
Caisse d'Epargne said 1 million euros was for Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne, the central hub, and "under 7 million euros" was from its regional level.
J. Gurwin Foundation - Charity
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$28 million charity invested heavily in Madoff funds. Gurwin said, "We got a body blow. We did not get killed."
EFG International - Swiss private bank
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EFG clients have $130 million invested in Madoff through third-party funds sold by EFG. In addition, 0.3% of the bank's total invested assets, held in custody, are invested in Madoff.
Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado - Pension fund
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Fund, with $2.5 billion under management, had $60 million invested with Fairfield Greenwich until six months ago
International Olympic Committee - Olympic organizer
The IOC's exposure represents about 1% of its total investment portfolio. Organizing committee confirmed they will be able to meet their obligations.
Support Organization for the Madison Cultural Arts District - Wisconsin cultural organization
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$18 million invested with Fairfield Greenwich until September. A spokesman for the Overture Center in Madison, Wis., built with SOMCAD funds, said, "Speculation that SOMCAD could be on the hook is not outlandish."
Credit Industrial et Commercial - French financial-services group
The bank has no direct exposure to Madoff but could be affected through an intermediary.
Hadassah - US Women's Zionist Organization
United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 267 in Syracuse - Local union pension and health care funds
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The union is still trying to determine the extent of its losses. Its investments with Mr. Madoff go back 15 years.
Ramaz School - A Jewish school in New York
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun - A synagogue in New York
The Maimonides School - A Jewish day school in Brookline, Mass.
The school did not directly invest with Madoff, but the school was the sole beneficiary of a trust that lost about $3 million.
Yad Sarah - An Israeli Non Profit Organization
With a $21 million budget in 2008, Yad Sarah likely won't expand operations or develop any new services or projects in 2009.
Kevin Bacon & wife Kyra Sedgwick - Hollywood actors
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Mr. Bacon's publicist, Allen Eichhorn, confirmed that the couple had investments with Madoff, but wouldn't say how much money they might have lost.
Eric Roth - Hollywood screenwriter
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His credits include "Forrest Gump" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."
Henry Kaufman - Individual investor, former Salomon Brothers chief economist
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The former Salomon Brothers chief economist's bearish views decades ago earned him the nickname "Dr. Doom." Mr. Kaufman, 81 years old, lost several million dollars. He had the money in a brokerage account with Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities for more than five years. Mr. Kaufman said the amount was "no more than a couple percent of my entire net worth," estimated to be several hundred million dollars.
New York University - University
NYU filed a lawsuit claiming J. Ezra Merkin turned over his investment responsibilities to Madoff's funds and lost $24 million of the school's money. The suit names as defendants Merkin's Ariel Fund Ltd.; the fund's investment manager, Gabriel Capital Corp.; and Fortis Bank. NYU had invested $94 million in Ariel, a partnership between Merkin and Fortis, in the mid-1990s. A lawyer for Mr. Merkin said the school only invested $30 million and made $60 million. Ariel plans to liquidate due to Madoff-related losses, but a temporary restraining order prohibits assets from being transferred out of the fund.
Aioi Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Aioi said it didn't make a direct investment in the Madoff fund.
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Meiji Yasuda didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Mitsui Sumitomo didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Burt Ross - former mayor of a town in New Jersey
Mr. Ross believes he has lost about $5 million, the bulk of his net worth, investing with Madoff.
Genium Advisors - Swiss Money Manager
Exposure is nearly 6.7% of a E$4.2 million fund invested in Fairfield Sentry Roland Priborsky, Genium's chief, said he was comfortable with the Fairfield Sentry investment in part because it was included in a list of funds on which Union Bancaire Privee said it had done due diligence.
Sterling Stamos Capital Management LP - Investment firm with offices in New York City & Menlo Park, Calif.
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Six funds each have 1.5%-3% of assets exposed to Madoff. In a Dec. 30 letter sent to clients, the investment firm said it has "some limited indirect exposure" to Madoff. This came after the firm issued a press release on Dec. 12 denying any Madoff investments. The exposure was through Gabriel Capital LP or Gabriel's offshore affiliate Ariel Fund Ltd.
Gabriel Partners - Money-management firm run by GMAC Chairman Ezra Merkin.
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Gabriel Capital Corp. is the investment manager for Merkin's Ariel fund. The Ariel hedge fund plans to liquidate because of losses to Madoff's alleged fraud.
The Diocese of St. Thomas - Catholic church in the US Virgin Islands
Most of the money represented endowment funds for youngsters at two Catholic elementary schools in St. Croix, the poorest of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Phyllis Molchatsky - Individual Investor
Ms. Molchatsky, a 61-year-old retiree Valley Cottage, N.Y., from filed a claim against the Securities and Exchange Commission alleging the agency was negligent in failing to detect an alleged decades-long fraud.
Members of Hillcrest Golf Club, St. Paul, Minn & Oak Ridge Country Club, Hopkins, Minn - Country Clubs
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Investors from the two clubs may have invested more than $100 million combined
Bard College - University in New York
Bard College, a liberal arts school in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., said it lost about $3 million that J. Ezra Merkin's Ariel Fund had invested with Mr. Madoff without the school's knowledge. The losses on the investment includes profits. A lawyer for Mr. Merkin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Martin Rosenman - New York City-based heating oil distributor
Mr. Rosenman, managing member of Rosenman Family LLC, wired $10 million to Madoff via a JPMorgan Chase Bank account on Dec. 5, just six days before Madoff's arrest. The funds weren't supposed to be touched until Jan. 1, according to a suit filed in bankruptcy court, but Mr. Rosenman received a statement Dec. 5 explaining the money was used to sell short $10 million in US Treasuries. There is no record that the Treasury short ever occurred.
So there you have it, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal crack investigative team. This is the list that has been chosen for submittal to the people for "transparency" purposes. We feel better if we have a few names. But look closer at the list that was provided and you will see a pattern.
The first thing that hit me were all those Swiss Banks. Alot of people are encouraged to put their money into Swiss banks in order not to pay taxes on it. The IRS can go after that money under certain circumstances, but it is tedious. Since the IRS is a private company and not a part of the government I would think that the people who own the IRS would like to have "their money". Hire someone like Madoff, who can be used to get these "suckers" to invest it. That is one way to get the money that you think you are entitled to. People ought not to be trying to hide their money out of the country.
This looks like nothing more than a "Con Game" to come in and clean these people out of the money they are hiding around in Swiss banks, hedge funds and other places in order to avoid paying the powers that be the "taxes" that they demand. I personally liken the IRS to the Mafia. I see distinct similarities in what happens when you don't pay them both. So I refer to the money that I am FORCED to give the IRS the same way the Mafia refers to the money that the underlings pay to the Godfather on anything they make themselves. They pay "Tribute Money" to the Godfather. Hence, the IRS gets its "Tribute Money" from the little people. It can also be seen as paying "Protection Money" to the IRS as well. If you pay the "Protection Money" you won't go to jail and lose everything you own.
Ever see the movie "The Sting"? That is exactly what this whole Bernie Madoff floor show reminds me of, up to and including his name "Made Off". How corny can you get with stuff like this? The powers that be sure do like their childish games don't they?
But let's look at what makes up the majority of this list.
I notice that there are alot of New York Colleges, Jap Insurance firms, European banks, Swiss bank accounts, a few Hedge Funds & a smattering of individuals (mostly Jews, but some others) and a union or two as well as a charity or two for sympathy purposes. But what dominates that list is the Jap Insurance & Swiss Banks
You gotta wonder just what the real scam here was. I doubt Madoff is the brains behind this. But he is definitely the fall guy, the face that we can look at and blame, but it isn't his doing. The powers that be systematically do these type of things in order to get what they think they want. Are they trying to shut these places down? It's possible. I would be interested to see if any bailout money goes to ANY of these places.
The list is an interesting read. The story is interesting. But the man isn't that interesting. He looks like Ben Stein and is probably as interesting. But what happens afterwards is worth watching. Will these places and people be left smarting from being taken to the cleaners by the powers that be? Or will they be compensated? My money is on nobody gets compensation and the looting will continue.
If you bother to look back across the last 6 months there has been more money moved than ever before in our history. Between the bailout money, Madoff swindle & the crash there has been trillions moved. This also doesn't take into account the $64 trillion that happened just before the crash. Which in fact was used to bring the crash about. All this money and no one is asking any questions.
I would say that the American people are sufficiently doped up. But keep those drugs coming just in case.
They are throwing the term "Ponzi Scheme" around now like we all know what the hell it means. I didn't. But then I'm not in the business of ripping people off for a living either, so I guess I wouldn't know that term. However, I did go to the trouble of looking it up so I would know what it was when I criticize it.
Where does the term Ponzi Scheme originate from?
Charles Ponzi (March 3, 1882 – January 18, 1949) was one of the greatest swindlers in American history. His aliases include Charles Ponei, Charles P. Bianchi, Carl and Carlo. The term "Ponzi scheme" is a widely known description of any scam that relies on a "pyramid" of "investors" who contribute money to a fraudulent program. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeeming them at face value in the United States as a form of arbitrage. Ponzi was probably inspired by the scheme of William Miller, a Brooklyn bookkeeper who in 1899 used the same pyramid scheme to take in $1 million.
Well there you have it. It's a Pyramid Scheme. Why couldn't they call it that? Everyone knows what a Pyramid Scheme is. I guess it wasn't glamorous enough a term for them. PONZI SCHEME sounds so much more ominous.
I have waited a while before commenting on this because I wanted to see which way Madoff was going to be taken first. I suspected he was a fall guy. That kind of goes without saying. But would Madoff do a Blago on them or would he go along and take the hit because there would be a sweet payoff later on? Well, looks like he is taking the sweet payoff later on. I guess with as old as he is, that would be the way to go. He really has nothing to gain by standing up against them and trying to fight. After all look at what he loses. He's too old for it to really matter.
He'll get a couple of years in jail MAYBE! He may end up doing his time in his penthouse. With everything else going on I don't think it really matters to the people. They don't seem to care that they are getting ripped off. I mean you hear about some of the rich whining and crying about it but they don't count, they have millions. I'm talking about the little people. But then the little people weren't effected by Bernie Madoff. He was only going after the wealthy.
The targets are what I am interested in seeing. Who were the "victims" that Madoff targeted?
Fairfield Greenwich Advisors - An investment management firm
More than half of Fairfield Greenwich's $14.1 billion in assets under management, or about $7.5 billion was connected to Madoff.
Tremont Group Holdings - Asset management firm
The investment firm is owned by OppenheimerFunds and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Tremont's Rye Investment Management business had $3.1 billion invested, and its fund of funds group invested another $200 million. The loss is more than half of all assets overseen by Tremont.
Banco Santander - Spanish bank
In euros, the figure is 2.33 billion.Of that, 2.01 billion euros belongs to institutional investors, Optimal Strategic hedge fund investors (international private banking customers); 320 mllion euros belongs to other private banking customers.
Bank Medici - Austrian bank
The bank had two funds with $2.1 billion (1.5 billion euros) invested with Madoff. Bank Medici is 25% owned by Unicredit SpA and 75% owned by chairwoman Sonja Kohn. Hedge funds run by the bank had almost all their money invested with Madoff.
Ascot Partners - A hedge fund founded by billionaire investor, philanthropist and GMAC chief J. Ezra Merkin
The hedge fund had $1.8 billion under management as of Sept. 30, had substantially all of its assets invested with Mr. Madoff. Austria's government named Gerhard Altenberger to manage the bank, but won't supply it with funds.
Access International Advisors - A New York based investment firm
The investment-advisory firm's co-founder Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet, 65, was found dead in his Manhattan office on Dec. 24, 2008, in an apparent suicide. Mr. De La Villehuchet lost about $50 million, the bulk of his personal wealth.
Fortis - Dutch bank
Fortis Bank and its subsidiaries have no direct exposure to Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC, but parts of the group do have a risk exposure to certain funds it provides collateralized lending to. If, as a result of the alleged fraud, the value of the assets of these funds is nil and the respective clients cannot meet their obligations, Fortis Bank Nederland (Holding) N.V.'s loss could amount to around EUR 850 million to EUR 1 billion. The continuity of Fortis Bank Nederland (Holding) N.V.and its subsidiaries is not at stake in any way.
Union Bancaire Privee - Swiss bank
Half of UBP's 22 funds of funds put at least some of their money into Madoff-related investment vehicles, including one run by J. Ezra Merkin. The principal fund, Dinvest Total Return, had about 3% of its more than $1 billion of assets in Madoff-related funds. One fund of funds had as much as 6.9% of assets in Madoff-related funds. The bank had most recently met with Madoff Nov. 25 as part of an ongoing vetting process.
HSBC - British bank
HSBC provided financing to a small number of institutional clients who invested in funds with Madoff; some clients in its global custody business have invested with Madoff, but the company doesn't believe these arrangements should be a source of exposure to the group.
Natixis SA - A French investment bank
The company says it didn't make direct investment in Madoff-managed funds; some investments made on behalf of customers could have ended up being managed by Madoff. Exposure is about 450 million euros.
Carl Shapiro - The founder & former chairman of apparel company Kay Windsor Inc., & his wife
Mr. Shapiro, a 95-year-old apparel entrepreneur and investor, has personally lost an estimated $400 million from the Madoff fraud, including $250 million he gave Mr. Madoff on Dec. 1. His charitable foundation, the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation, has lost an estimated $100 million or more. Mr. Shapiro, a widely respected philanthropist, was one of Mr. Madoff's earliest and largest investors.
Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC - British bank
The bank had exposure of about 400 million pounds to Madoff through trading, collateralized lending.
BNP Paribas - French bank
The company said it has no investment of its own in Madoff-managed hedge fund but it does have risk exposure (up to 350 million euros) through its trading business and collateralized lending to funds of hedge funds.
BBVA - Spanish bank
The company reiterated it doesn't have direct exposure to Madoff but would face losses of 300 million euros if Madoff funds were found not to exist.
Man Group PLC - A UK Hedge Fund
Invested in funds directly/indirectly sub-advised by Madoff Securities
Reichmuth & Co - A Swiss private bank
The Lucerne-based private bank warned investors that around 385 million Swiss francs, or 3.5% of its assets under management, were affected.
Nomura Holdings - Japanese brokerage firm
The 27.5 billion yen exposure is through Fairfield Sentry; That amount represents 0.2% of assets under management.
Maxam Capital Management - A fund of funds based in Darien, Connecticut
The fund reported a combined loss of $280 million on funds they had invested.
EIM SA - A European investment manager with about $11 billion in assets
The European investment manager with about $11 billion in assets. Overall, EIM assets at risk are less than 2% of what it manages.
AXA SA - French insurance giant
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Exposure is well below 100 million euros.
UniCredit SpA - Italian Bank
The company's total exposure is about 75 million euros. Dublin-based Pioneer Alternative Investments is indirectly exposed to Madoff via feeders; Italian clients have zero exposure.
Nordea Bank AB - Swedish Bank
The amount of exposure is about 48 million euros.
Hyposwiss - A Swiss private bank owned by St. Galler Kantonalbank
Hyposwiss said roughly 0.1% of its overall assets was invested in Madoff products through managed accounts. Another $100 million is exposed through clients who chose to invest in Madoff funds. St. Galler Kantonalbank said its financial situation and liquidity aren't hurt by Hyposwiss' exposure.
Banque Benedict Hentsch & Cie. SA - A Swiss-based private bank
Banque Benedict Hentsch said its clients have 56 million Swiss francs at risk. Benedict Hentsch had also recently agreed to merge with Fairfield Greenwich Group, a major Madoff distributor. When the news of Mr. Madoff's arrest broke, it scrambled to undo that deal.
Fairfield, Connecticut - Town Pension Fund
The town's employees board and police and fire board, which cover 971 workers, had $41.9 million invested with Madoff, said Paul Hiller, Fairfield's chief fiscal officer.
Bramdean Alternatives - An asset manager
The exposure is about 9.5% of assets.
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles - The largest manager of charitable gift assets for Los Angeles Jewish philanthropists
The amount invested with Madoff represented less than 5% of the Foundation's assets.
Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd - Israel-based insurance firm
Baloise Holding AG - Swiss Insurer
Societe Generale - French Bank
The company says its exposure, which is less than 10 million euros, is "negligible."
Groupama SA - French Insurer
Exposure is around 10 million euros.
Credit Agricole SA - French bank
Exposure is less than 10 million euros.
Richard Spring - Individual Investor
A Boca Raton resident & former securities analyst, says he had about 95% of his net worth invested with Mr. Madoff. Mr. Spring said he was also one of the unofficial agents who connected Mr. Madoff with dozens of investors, from a teacher who put in $50,000 to entrepreneurs and executives who would put in millions.
RAB Capital - Hedge Fund
Banco Popolare - Italian bank
The company says it had indirect exposure of up to 8 million euros; maximum lost on funds distributed to institutional, private clients is about 60 million euros.
Korea Teachers Pension - A 10 trillion won Korean pension fund
Swiss Life Holding - Swiss insurer
Swiss Life said it has indirectly invested assets worth around 90 million Swiss francs through funds of funds managed by Madoff Investment Securities.
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System - health system
Exposure represents less than 1% of the health system's investment portfolio. A donor agreed to reimburse the system for any losses.
Neue Privat Bank - Swiss bank
The bank invested in a certificate based on a hedge fund with exposure to Madoff
Clal Insurance Enterprise Holdings - An Israel-based financial services company
Ira Roth - Individual Investor
Mr. Roth, a New Jersey resident, says his family has about $1 million invested through Mr. Madoff's firm.
Mediobanca SpA - via its subsidiary Compagnie Monegasque de Banque.
Limited to $671,000 via its Compagnie Monegasque de Banque. via its subsidiary Compagnie Monegasque de Banque.
Fred Wilpon - Owner of New York Mets
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Steven Spielberg - The Spielberg charity -- the Wunderkinder Foundation
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JEHT Foundation - A New York foundation focused on electoral and criminal justice reform
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The foundation, which stands for Justice, Equality, Human dignity and Tolerance, will close its doors at the end of January 2009. Major donors Jeanne Levy-Church and Kenneth Levy-Church had all their funds managed through Madoff.
Mortimer B. Zuckerman Charitable Remainder Trust - The charitable trust of real-estate magnate, who owns the Daily News and U.S. News & World Report
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Funds exposed represented 11% of the value of that charitable trust.
Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation - A Massachusetts-based Jewish charity
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The group, which financed trips for Jewish youth to Israel, was forced to close because the money that supported its programs was invested with Madoff.
Chais Family Foundation - A charity that gave to Jewish causes
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Money manager Stanley Chais managed investments he called "the arbitrage partnerships," according to investors and firm correspondence. His California-based charity group invested entirely with Madoff, and was forced to shut down operations after years of donating some $12.5 million annually to Jewish causes in Israel and Eastern Europe.
KBC Group NV - Belgian Banking & Insurance Group
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
No direct exposure; some indirect exposure through collateralized loans, but the exposure is very limited and immaterial to KBC's earnings. KBC has also made some loan advances to institutional customers who have invested in funds managed by Madoff Investment Securities, but this shouldn't have any material impact either, the company said.
Barclays PLC - British bank
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The bank says it has "minimal" exposure" and is "fully collateralized"
Dexia - French bank
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
No direct investments in funds managed by Madoff,; private banking clients have total exposure of 78 million euros to funds primarily invested in Madoff funds. Indirectly, Dexia is exposed through partially collateralized lending operations to funds exposed to Madoff funds for a gross amount of 164 million euros. If the assets managed by Madoff Investment Securities were nil, the above mentioned lending operations could trigger an after tax loss of about 85 million euros for Dexia.
Allianz Global Investors - The asset management unit of German insurer Allianz SE
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The unit says exposure "is not significant."
Banco Espanol de Credito SA (Banesto) - A Spanish bank contolled by Banco Santander
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Its clients have a total 2 million euro exposure; The amount is included in the 2.33 billion euros already disclosed by parent company Banco Santander.
CNP Assurances - French insurer
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No direct exposure. Indirect exposure of 3 million euros via a fund of funds
UBS AG - Swiss bank
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The bank says is has "no material exposure." It declined to comment on press reports that its funds-of-funds for clients had $1.4 billion in exposure
Yeshiva University - A New York - based private university
The university's chief financial officer said that the school's actual principal investment in a hedge fund linked to Madoff had been only $14.5 million. On paper, that stake had exploded in value over the past 15 years to $110 million. Although the university had "no direct investments" in Madoff's firm, a portion of its endowment had been invested for 15 years with Ascot Partners, which had "substantially all its assets invested with Madoff." J. Ezra Merkin had been a University trustee but has resigned. Madoff was also on the school's board but has resigned.
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity - The charitable foundation of Nobel laureate
The Foundation's mission, rooted in the memory of the Holocaust, is to combat indifference, intolerance and injustice through international dialogue and youth-focused programs that promote acceptance, understanding and equality. It said it invested "substantially all" of its assets.
Leonard Feinstein - The co-founder of retailer Bed Bath & Beyond
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Sen. Frank Lautenberg - The charitable foundation of the New Jersey Senator's family
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Norman Braman - former owner of Philadelphia Eagles
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Jeffrey Katzenberg - The chief executive of DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.
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Mr. Katzenberg's financial affairs along with those of Mr. Spielberg were managed by Mr. Breslauer, Mr. Katzenberg has suffered millions in Madoff-connected losses, say people familiar with the matter.
Gerald Breslauer - The Hollywood financial advisor to Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg
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Along with Katzenberg and Spielberg, Breslauer himself has likely sustained heavy losses in the Madoff affair. He customarily invests alongside his clients, say these people, and has sometimes been a larger investor than the people he represented
Kingate Management - Hedge Fund
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Kingate's $2.8 billion hedge fund Kiingate Global Fund reportedly invested heavily with Madoff
Julian J. Levitt Foundation - Texas-based charity
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Loeb family
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Lawrence Velvel - Individual Investor
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Mr. Velvel is dean of the Massachusetts School of Law
Fix Asset Management - Hedge Fund
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Reportedly invested heavily in Madoff's portfolios
Genevalor, Benbassat & Cie - Money manager in Geneva
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Members of the Benbassat family, which run the firm, have long known Mr. Madoff. In a statement on its Web site, Genevalor said it "has been reviewing the potential damages caused to its clients" by the alleged Madoff fraud. A statement from the Thema fund said it had assets with Madoff that were now frozen, but did not elaborate.
Banco Espirito Santo - Portugese bank
The amount represents about 0.1% of assets under management.
Great Eastern Holding - Singapore insurer
Great Eastern said S$7.7 million of its S$64 million exposure is invested from its Life Fund. Great Eastern is 87% owned ny Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp.
M&B Capital Advisers - Spanish brokerage
The firm is run by the son and son-in-law of the chairman of Banco Santander. Through M&B, private and institutional investors bought more than $214 million in Madoff's funds.
Royal Dutch Shell pension fund - Global energy & petrochemical company
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The pension fund fund has an indirect investment that may be affected. The fund originally invested $45 million. The alleged fraud won't affect the financial position and funding status of the fund.
Phoenix Holdings - Israeli financial services company
Phoenix's insurance unit invested $15 million over the last three years in funds managed by Thema, which made investments through Madoff. In November, the company requested to redeem $10 million. The payment was due Dec. 12 but Phoenix hasn't received it.
Credicorp - Peruvian financial services company
Credicorp's Atlantic Security Bank unit has $1 million in direct exposure and up to $3.5 million in potential contingencies "related to transactions secured by these investments."
Fukoku Mutual Life Co - Japanese insurer
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The company said it holds similar investments trusts to those held by Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. but declined to specify the balance. Sumitomo disclosed that it has about 2 billion yen, or about $22 million, exposed via trusts.
New York Law School - Law School in New York City
The school invested the money through its endowment entity. The school filed an investor lawsuit against J. Ezra Merkin, Ascot Partners and BDO Seidman.
Nipponkoa Insurance - Japanese insurer
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The company said it holds similar investments trusts to those held by Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. but declined to specify the balance. Sumitomo disclosed that it has about Y2 billion exposed via trusts.
Sumitomo Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Sumitomo Life didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund but part of its investment trust holdings were linked to it.
Swiss Reinsurance Co - Swiss insurer
Indirect exposure, less than $3 million, is through hedge fund investments; no direct exposure.
Aozora Bank Ltd - Japanese lender
Aozora entrusted 12.4 billion yen to investment funds, which invested with Madoff. Cerberus Capital Management LP owns a majority stake in Aozora.
UBI Banca - Italian bank
The bank said the exposure is linked to proprietary investments. UBI Pramerica and Capitalgest Alternative Investments, the assets-under-management units, have no exposure.
Taiyo Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Taiyo Life didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Caisse d'Epargne - French bank
Caisse d'Epargne said 1 million euros was for Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne, the central hub, and "under 7 million euros" was from its regional level.
J. Gurwin Foundation - Charity
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
$28 million charity invested heavily in Madoff funds. Gurwin said, "We got a body blow. We did not get killed."
EFG International - Swiss private bank
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
EFG clients have $130 million invested in Madoff through third-party funds sold by EFG. In addition, 0.3% of the bank's total invested assets, held in custody, are invested in Madoff.
Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado - Pension fund
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Fund, with $2.5 billion under management, had $60 million invested with Fairfield Greenwich until six months ago
International Olympic Committee - Olympic organizer
The IOC's exposure represents about 1% of its total investment portfolio. Organizing committee confirmed they will be able to meet their obligations.
Support Organization for the Madison Cultural Arts District - Wisconsin cultural organization
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
$18 million invested with Fairfield Greenwich until September. A spokesman for the Overture Center in Madison, Wis., built with SOMCAD funds, said, "Speculation that SOMCAD could be on the hook is not outlandish."
Credit Industrial et Commercial - French financial-services group
The bank has no direct exposure to Madoff but could be affected through an intermediary.
Hadassah - US Women's Zionist Organization
United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 267 in Syracuse - Local union pension and health care funds
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The union is still trying to determine the extent of its losses. Its investments with Mr. Madoff go back 15 years.
Ramaz School - A Jewish school in New York
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun - A synagogue in New York
The Maimonides School - A Jewish day school in Brookline, Mass.
The school did not directly invest with Madoff, but the school was the sole beneficiary of a trust that lost about $3 million.
Yad Sarah - An Israeli Non Profit Organization
With a $21 million budget in 2008, Yad Sarah likely won't expand operations or develop any new services or projects in 2009.
Kevin Bacon & wife Kyra Sedgwick - Hollywood actors
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Mr. Bacon's publicist, Allen Eichhorn, confirmed that the couple had investments with Madoff, but wouldn't say how much money they might have lost.
Eric Roth - Hollywood screenwriter
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
His credits include "Forrest Gump" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."
Henry Kaufman - Individual investor, former Salomon Brothers chief economist
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
The former Salomon Brothers chief economist's bearish views decades ago earned him the nickname "Dr. Doom." Mr. Kaufman, 81 years old, lost several million dollars. He had the money in a brokerage account with Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities for more than five years. Mr. Kaufman said the amount was "no more than a couple percent of my entire net worth," estimated to be several hundred million dollars.
New York University - University
NYU filed a lawsuit claiming J. Ezra Merkin turned over his investment responsibilities to Madoff's funds and lost $24 million of the school's money. The suit names as defendants Merkin's Ariel Fund Ltd.; the fund's investment manager, Gabriel Capital Corp.; and Fortis Bank. NYU had invested $94 million in Ariel, a partnership between Merkin and Fortis, in the mid-1990s. A lawyer for Mr. Merkin said the school only invested $30 million and made $60 million. Ariel plans to liquidate due to Madoff-related losses, but a temporary restraining order prohibits assets from being transferred out of the fund.
Aioi Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Aioi said it didn't make a direct investment in the Madoff fund.
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Meiji Yasuda didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co - Japanese insurer
Mitsui Sumitomo didn't invest directly in the Madoff fund.
Burt Ross - former mayor of a town in New Jersey
Mr. Ross believes he has lost about $5 million, the bulk of his net worth, investing with Madoff.
Genium Advisors - Swiss Money Manager
Exposure is nearly 6.7% of a E$4.2 million fund invested in Fairfield Sentry Roland Priborsky, Genium's chief, said he was comfortable with the Fairfield Sentry investment in part because it was included in a list of funds on which Union Bancaire Privee said it had done due diligence.
Sterling Stamos Capital Management LP - Investment firm with offices in New York City & Menlo Park, Calif.
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Six funds each have 1.5%-3% of assets exposed to Madoff. In a Dec. 30 letter sent to clients, the investment firm said it has "some limited indirect exposure" to Madoff. This came after the firm issued a press release on Dec. 12 denying any Madoff investments. The exposure was through Gabriel Capital LP or Gabriel's offshore affiliate Ariel Fund Ltd.
Gabriel Partners - Money-management firm run by GMAC Chairman Ezra Merkin.
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Gabriel Capital Corp. is the investment manager for Merkin's Ariel fund. The Ariel hedge fund plans to liquidate because of losses to Madoff's alleged fraud.
The Diocese of St. Thomas - Catholic church in the US Virgin Islands
Most of the money represented endowment funds for youngsters at two Catholic elementary schools in St. Croix, the poorest of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Phyllis Molchatsky - Individual Investor
Ms. Molchatsky, a 61-year-old retiree Valley Cottage, N.Y., from filed a claim against the Securities and Exchange Commission alleging the agency was negligent in failing to detect an alleged decades-long fraud.
Members of Hillcrest Golf Club, St. Paul, Minn & Oak Ridge Country Club, Hopkins, Minn - Country Clubs
No Information Available on Financial Amount Lost
Investors from the two clubs may have invested more than $100 million combined
Bard College - University in New York
Bard College, a liberal arts school in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., said it lost about $3 million that J. Ezra Merkin's Ariel Fund had invested with Mr. Madoff without the school's knowledge. The losses on the investment includes profits. A lawyer for Mr. Merkin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Martin Rosenman - New York City-based heating oil distributor
Mr. Rosenman, managing member of Rosenman Family LLC, wired $10 million to Madoff via a JPMorgan Chase Bank account on Dec. 5, just six days before Madoff's arrest. The funds weren't supposed to be touched until Jan. 1, according to a suit filed in bankruptcy court, but Mr. Rosenman received a statement Dec. 5 explaining the money was used to sell short $10 million in US Treasuries. There is no record that the Treasury short ever occurred.
So there you have it, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal crack investigative team. This is the list that has been chosen for submittal to the people for "transparency" purposes. We feel better if we have a few names. But look closer at the list that was provided and you will see a pattern.
The first thing that hit me were all those Swiss Banks. Alot of people are encouraged to put their money into Swiss banks in order not to pay taxes on it. The IRS can go after that money under certain circumstances, but it is tedious. Since the IRS is a private company and not a part of the government I would think that the people who own the IRS would like to have "their money". Hire someone like Madoff, who can be used to get these "suckers" to invest it. That is one way to get the money that you think you are entitled to. People ought not to be trying to hide their money out of the country.
This looks like nothing more than a "Con Game" to come in and clean these people out of the money they are hiding around in Swiss banks, hedge funds and other places in order to avoid paying the powers that be the "taxes" that they demand. I personally liken the IRS to the Mafia. I see distinct similarities in what happens when you don't pay them both. So I refer to the money that I am FORCED to give the IRS the same way the Mafia refers to the money that the underlings pay to the Godfather on anything they make themselves. They pay "Tribute Money" to the Godfather. Hence, the IRS gets its "Tribute Money" from the little people. It can also be seen as paying "Protection Money" to the IRS as well. If you pay the "Protection Money" you won't go to jail and lose everything you own.
Ever see the movie "The Sting"? That is exactly what this whole Bernie Madoff floor show reminds me of, up to and including his name "Made Off". How corny can you get with stuff like this? The powers that be sure do like their childish games don't they?
But let's look at what makes up the majority of this list.
I notice that there are alot of New York Colleges, Jap Insurance firms, European banks, Swiss bank accounts, a few Hedge Funds & a smattering of individuals (mostly Jews, but some others) and a union or two as well as a charity or two for sympathy purposes. But what dominates that list is the Jap Insurance & Swiss Banks
You gotta wonder just what the real scam here was. I doubt Madoff is the brains behind this. But he is definitely the fall guy, the face that we can look at and blame, but it isn't his doing. The powers that be systematically do these type of things in order to get what they think they want. Are they trying to shut these places down? It's possible. I would be interested to see if any bailout money goes to ANY of these places.
The list is an interesting read. The story is interesting. But the man isn't that interesting. He looks like Ben Stein and is probably as interesting. But what happens afterwards is worth watching. Will these places and people be left smarting from being taken to the cleaners by the powers that be? Or will they be compensated? My money is on nobody gets compensation and the looting will continue.
If you bother to look back across the last 6 months there has been more money moved than ever before in our history. Between the bailout money, Madoff swindle & the crash there has been trillions moved. This also doesn't take into account the $64 trillion that happened just before the crash. Which in fact was used to bring the crash about. All this money and no one is asking any questions.
I would say that the American people are sufficiently doped up. But keep those drugs coming just in case.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Can the Olsen Twins Get A Little Weirder? They Are Not Quite Weird Enough
I have never liked the Olsen Twins. They are of course Pod People and are very strange.
Of course they guard their privacy quite well and very little is known about them personally. I am surprised no one has written an unauthorized biography on them.
I remember back when they hit the scene in "Full House". What a ridiculous television show that was. I never watched the show but it was everywhere, you couldn't escape it. But that type of TV show was never my cup of tea anyway.
I thought it interesting that the twins' parents chose a lawyer to manage them. Of course he invested in all the right things and had them doing all the right movies and selling all the right crap, so I guess it was inevitable that they would be gozillionaires. I mean when a lawyer is watching over all your business interests and you can somewhat trust him (considering he is getting a nice big, fat cut of the profits) then you are most likely going to make out like a bandit.
I always figured that one of the twins would off themselves before adulthood. Mary Kate seemed to be the likely candidate since she struck me as the most vulnerable of the two. Sad eyes, not really all that happy.
I remember when Mary Kate was sent off to the rehab place to put on some weight since they told us she was anorexic. Of course everyone knows that she wasn't anorexic, she was a heroin addict and still is. She is no healthier, she does the same things, she hasn't really changed at all.
Ashley on the other hand seemed to have more spunk and get up and go and seemed to be happier. After all she was the "cute one", according to the song. She also seems to be the more obnoxious one of the two.
When you read the gossip columns she is the one putting her cigarettes out in people's drinks and using the foulest of language. She is the one who really doesn't give a shit. She is also the one who was supplying Heath Ledger with drugs. Why do you think that she refused to appear before the grand jury? She's a heroin addict too. She wasn't going to go in there and talk about her drug addiction. She has the money to stay out of court, what do you think that lawyer is for?
But aside from all that crap, I was watching Morning Blow this morning and Willie had in his News You Can't Use segment a mention of Ashley Olsen not washing her hands after going to the bathroom. I guess in New York you could call that news if you were really pressed.
Apparently she was at a movie theater and went in to go take a piss and just came out when she was done and failed to stop at the sink and wash her hands. Someone saw it and called the press. This makes the news. I'm like "What"?
So I do a little research to see if this is a gag and found something else related to that story.
It seems here in the recent past Ashley was at a restaurant in New York and was approached by some teenage girls who had "Piss Fetishes". They come walking up to the table doing the "Pee Dance" and asked her if she would let them watch her piss. Hello!?
Well, you know how Pod People are, they have been bred in the strangest of ways and Ashley probably is no stranger to that kind of stuff. Anyway, she accommodates them by going to the bathroom and letting them watch her piss and then just as she is finishing, before she can wipe, they yank her off the toilet and start pissing in the same toilet she did and getting off on it. I guess they got off on watching her piss too.
Afterwards, they all get to take pictures with her in the restroom. Isn't that heartwarming?
There are actually pictures with these girls on the net. Standing next to Ashley Olsen in the crapper. I don't understand this. Why is this news?
I don't know maybe I am becoming the freak for being normal. That is a scary thought when normal has become abnormal. Where and when did it change?
Leave it to the pod people to keep us entertained by their weird antics.
Of course they guard their privacy quite well and very little is known about them personally. I am surprised no one has written an unauthorized biography on them.
I remember back when they hit the scene in "Full House". What a ridiculous television show that was. I never watched the show but it was everywhere, you couldn't escape it. But that type of TV show was never my cup of tea anyway.
I thought it interesting that the twins' parents chose a lawyer to manage them. Of course he invested in all the right things and had them doing all the right movies and selling all the right crap, so I guess it was inevitable that they would be gozillionaires. I mean when a lawyer is watching over all your business interests and you can somewhat trust him (considering he is getting a nice big, fat cut of the profits) then you are most likely going to make out like a bandit.
I always figured that one of the twins would off themselves before adulthood. Mary Kate seemed to be the likely candidate since she struck me as the most vulnerable of the two. Sad eyes, not really all that happy.
I remember when Mary Kate was sent off to the rehab place to put on some weight since they told us she was anorexic. Of course everyone knows that she wasn't anorexic, she was a heroin addict and still is. She is no healthier, she does the same things, she hasn't really changed at all.
Ashley on the other hand seemed to have more spunk and get up and go and seemed to be happier. After all she was the "cute one", according to the song. She also seems to be the more obnoxious one of the two.
When you read the gossip columns she is the one putting her cigarettes out in people's drinks and using the foulest of language. She is the one who really doesn't give a shit. She is also the one who was supplying Heath Ledger with drugs. Why do you think that she refused to appear before the grand jury? She's a heroin addict too. She wasn't going to go in there and talk about her drug addiction. She has the money to stay out of court, what do you think that lawyer is for?
But aside from all that crap, I was watching Morning Blow this morning and Willie had in his News You Can't Use segment a mention of Ashley Olsen not washing her hands after going to the bathroom. I guess in New York you could call that news if you were really pressed.
Apparently she was at a movie theater and went in to go take a piss and just came out when she was done and failed to stop at the sink and wash her hands. Someone saw it and called the press. This makes the news. I'm like "What"?
So I do a little research to see if this is a gag and found something else related to that story.
It seems here in the recent past Ashley was at a restaurant in New York and was approached by some teenage girls who had "Piss Fetishes". They come walking up to the table doing the "Pee Dance" and asked her if she would let them watch her piss. Hello!?
Well, you know how Pod People are, they have been bred in the strangest of ways and Ashley probably is no stranger to that kind of stuff. Anyway, she accommodates them by going to the bathroom and letting them watch her piss and then just as she is finishing, before she can wipe, they yank her off the toilet and start pissing in the same toilet she did and getting off on it. I guess they got off on watching her piss too.
Afterwards, they all get to take pictures with her in the restroom. Isn't that heartwarming?
There are actually pictures with these girls on the net. Standing next to Ashley Olsen in the crapper. I don't understand this. Why is this news?
I don't know maybe I am becoming the freak for being normal. That is a scary thought when normal has become abnormal. Where and when did it change?
Leave it to the pod people to keep us entertained by their weird antics.
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