Well, I am noticing some new and not so new terminology floating around in the mainstream media. Some of which bothers me quite a bit.
I was watching Headline News the other day while doing some things and they were talking about the latest financial tragedy to hit the news. Some guy who was supposed to be a financial advisor, pilot hobbyist, nouveau riche idiot had tried to fake his own death after supposedly ripping people off for millions of dollars.
He flies his plane out of Indiana into Birmingham, Alabama, puts the plane on auto pilot, parachutes out and lands in a tiny place in North Western Florida. Grabs a motorcycle he has in storage and takes off. He ends up that night in a KOA Kampground in Florida and proceeds to take a tent site and hooks into the campgrounds internet. He sends an email to a friend and the feds catch the email going through and locate him.
Now supposedly he has crashed his plane, put in a fake call to the coast guard and is now on the run.
This story makes no sense.
The US Marshalls descend on him at the campground. They say they can see inside his tent and see that he is laying there in a pool of his own blood. How can they do this at night without making known their position?
Anyway, when they bust in on the tent they find him laying there with his wrists slashed and empty pill container. They say had he laid there another hour he would have been dead. How unfortunate for this guy.
This guys name is Marcus Schrenker. His wife had just filed for divorce on him and everything was supposedly turning to shit in his life so he decided to fake his own death and take what money he had and disappear. I don't believe that story for a minute.
Then of course you have all the other "news worthy" stories going on.
But the reason that I talk about this one here is because during the news report on this guy the newscaster kept using a term that was quite interesting and quite bothersome at the same time.
The newscaster kept describing this man as a "malignant self focuser". I had to stop and think about that for a minute. He used it a couple of times during different stories but the common thread here was the people he was using it to describe were all wealthy people that were in trouble.
I have a problem with that type of description. The reason that I do is because I know a hell of a lot of poor white trash who can be described that way. You don't have to be rich to be that.
This is one of the many terms that I am noticing are surfacing now that we are getting a "change that we can believe in".
Some of the terms that I am hearing are:
Tainted - (Anything that isn't perfectly acceptable)
Transparency - (Everything has to be transparent now)
Drinking the Kool-aid - (When you are deluding yourself about something)
Move Forward - (Stop thinking negatively)
These are just some of the terms that I can think of right off the top of my head. There are more and I have a feeling there will be even more in the near future.
We are truly living in dangerous times.