Friday, January 16, 2009

Where is God?

I am troubled by the news event of the Airbus A320 that went down in the Hudson Bay. They are continually holding up this pilot as a "Savior". I just heard Chris Matthews on Hardball use just that term.

Chesley Sullenberger is no savior. He is a man, a pilot, but no savior. He should never be held up as anything. I would not want to be any of these people when they do that.

Most people do not clearly understand the danger in idol worship. Most people understand idol worship to be nothing more than having or possessing some kind of figurine or statue. That is not what it is. Mankind can be idols as well. Hence "American Idol". Why do you think they name the show that? Because that is what it is. It deals specifically in that realm.

To hold up a man as a "savior" would be the height of sacriligiousness. They treat this man as if he did something superhuman and in fact he did not. He just did what pilots are supposed to do. That is like holding up a cop for walking his beat or a mailman for delivering his route or a garbage man for emptying the garbage cans on his route. Where is the specialness of what he did?

Where is God? Does anyone know God anymore? What are these Christians doing in church on Sunday? Are they taking down the idol they have hanging up and replacing it with this new god they have created? I wouldn't be surprised.

What are we going to be hearing from this new god now? Will he walk amongst the people and heal the sick and cause the blind to see again? Will he erase hunger or cure disease? You would think that he will be doing that the way people are fawning all over him and raising him up to the heights of godliness.

I think this is terrible the way people are acting. But then again it makes me feel good that Heaven won't be a crowded place because I definitely wouldn't want to share it with these people. They can stay down here and serve their human idols.