49 years I have been watching and I have yet to see any unconditional love expressed by mortal man. This extends as well to the animal kingdom.
Did you know that you can have a pet for years and if someone else comes along and starts feeding and caring for them they will switch loyalties on you? I've seen this in action. Animals will remain loyal as long as no one else competes for their loyalties. I find this extremely interesting.
God is the only entity that is fully capable of unconditional love. He is perfect. Therefore he is the only one that can experience unconditional love. Hence the fact that he loves us in spite of our sin. But we as humans don't even come close.
I have tried unconditional love myself and it is quite hard to do. Mortal man is quite challenging to love unconditionally. It really cannot be done.
Some people confuse loyalty with unconditional love. They are two different things. I can be loyal to someone faster than I can give unconditional love to them. Animals, because they cannot speak or relate their feelings to us in words have only actions to show us. We are left to figure out what those actions mean. An animal has the act of loyalty that they show in place of love. We as humans can say "I Love You" or show it in any number of ways. Animals are restricted in this sense. They can't buy jewelry or houses or clothes or food to show love. They cannot speak "I Love You". What they can do however, is lick your face, or lay next to you or wag their tail when they see you or run up to you to greet you, etc. That is the way animals show love. What it comes down to with animals is who is feeding and caring for them. When that gets challenged they will go with the individual who they feel meets their needs the most.
People on the other hand are a little more complicated. Because in the animal world you don't have two animals dating or pledging their love or getting married, etc. Things are much more simplistic.
In the human realm not so. People are fickle, they have short memories, are considerably selfish and juvenile. They get angry over things that aren't important, they hold grudges, they are vindictive. They also are quite passoniate and can go to extreme lengths to show how they really feel. But more often times than not they do so in a mysterious manner. Very few people have the capabilities to show exactly how they feel without covering it up so it cannot be easily read. People do this religiously. They are cryptic when it comes to how they feel. You are supposed to read their signs to know what they are saying.
Animals are not like this. They will let you know when they are happy or mad and very rarely is their any mistaking what they are showing you. Not so with humans.
I find it interesting that God has such compassion for his creation when his creation obviously has no regard for him.
I have been blamed many times for having a healthy dislike for mankind. I do. I find it vulgar that mankind can slap God in the face repeatedly every single day and demand things their way when God has given them great gifts already. People constantly look to other humans to fulfill the needs that only God can meet and they get angry when other humans fall short. But they continue to try regardless. Yes, sometimes I feel as if I am the only person in the world that wants and seeks God's approval, not man's.
People don't realize how hard it is being human. They take so much for granted that they don't see what is really going on. In 2000 years man has not changed at all. If I had to say I would admit that man has actually gotten worse instead of better. The hard part is having to watch it happen day in and day out.
But know this, there is no unconditional love in the champagne room.