Bernie Madoff says "I'm Sorry" (but admits no guilt), he gets off with a fine. Guess we know who he's working for don't we?
Alex Rodriguez says, "I'm Sorry" for taking steroids and nothing happens to him. Guess we know how the sports "business" works don't we.
Tim Geithner says "I'm Sorry" for forgetting to pay taxes (Not!). What do you know, he gets hired to play the Treasury Secretary. How's that for saying the 2 magic words?
Tom Daschle says "I'm Sorry" for not paying his taxes on all the extras he was getting from a private company that he sat on the board of in California. He was smart he got out before it went any further.
Caroline Kennedy says "I'm Sorry" for not only not paying my taxes but hiring illegal aliens to work for me, (but what I do is none of anyone's business). Then she got out, which was the smartest thing she could have ever done because she had absolutely no personality.
This is just some of the people that have recently said the 2 magic words.
But those words only work for the rich and well to do. Those words don't do jack shit for the little people. If the tax man came around and wanted to know why you didn't pay your taxes and you told him "I'm Sorry", your ass would be in jail so fast that you wouldn't know what hit you. Not only that but the tax people would take everything you own. That is what "I'm Sorry" gets the little guy.
I am so sick of hearing that phrase I don't know what to do. But the sad thing is that we will keep on hearing it over and over again as these people come before us for whatever punishment they have coming for not doing something or other that they were either supposed to do or asked to do.
You can usually tell which it is by the form of punishment the person either takes or is subjected to in the media.
Bernie Madoff was easy. You could tell what his situation was. He was hired to do exactly what he did. The powers that be needed what happened to Bernie to happen. It was a cover story to hide something else more nefarious that was going on elsewhere. When whatever was happening was done, Bernie magically got off.
Bernie was an excellent soldier. He said nothing, gave no press conferences. You didn't hear from a lawyer and no one was making the Madoff rounds on the talk shows. You saw a few pictures of him and was constantly inundated with all the poor slobs who were his victims. But you heard nothing of any relevance to anything. Then magically on Friday in a 2 second blurb at 4:30 pm you hear "Breaking News". Bernie Madoff has been fined a small sum, has to pay back a few people and goes back to his 1 bunk Hilton to continue on his way as a Wall Street Investor. He admitted no guilt but said "I'm Sorry". That was all there was to it and you have heard not one single word since. Nor will you.
Bernie Madoff took the heat and kept his mouth shut and was well rewarded for it. He took the hit and took a piss like a man and walked without anything real happening to him and not 1 newscaster is questioning anything. How odd.
Or is it? I don't think so. Madoff had to be the fall guy for what happened. The powers that be basically took advantage of alot of offshore banks and shut them down through bad investments. Those were the real victims of this thing, not Kevin Bacon and those other idiots. That was window dressing. The powers that be needed those financial institutions shut down for a reason. They needed certain things accomplished and Bernie was their cover man for it. That simple.
Now things will continue as planned and everybody can get back to business because now the financial stimulus is in the news along with Tim Geithner. Now he is on the hot seat and taking the heat for the stimulus plan. Another fall guy. Will he take his piss like a man? Probably.
This whole thing is stupid and an insult to people's intelligence. The ones that have any intelligence left that is.