The big talk now is whether Bam Bam will push for criminal charges against the Bushies or not. I can answer that for a word NO. He has already said that he does not intend to do anything but "look forward". There's your answer. He isn't going to do anything.
Like Georgy Boy pardoned Henry Lee Lucas, Bam Bam will pardon Georgy Boy.
I find this whole situation ridiculous. Georgy Boy will NEVER be charged with war crimes. EVER. He's a Bush, get over it. He is immune from the law. Georgy Boy has already told everyone that he is in fact ABOVE THE LAW. So there you go.
The whole mess about war crimes charges is nothing more than all the hoopla about Bam Bam's birth certificate and whether or not he is able to be president due to the question of his birthplace.
None of this stuff will ever be solved. We already know the answers but yet we try and seek some kind of justice from the very people that have no intention of getting involved with justice on any level. They are not in the justice business. They are in the war business and they are trying to be about the war schedule. They have a third world war to instigate with Iran.
The people of this country shock and amaze me with their utter stupidity. I may not have the exact answers or all the answers but I have a damn good idea where things are going. I can tell you that it isn't in our favor.
I give Bam Bam about 5-6 months before we hear something about a pardon for Bush or better yet he tells the press to "get over it and forget about it".