Friday, January 16, 2009

"Joe the Moron" Now A War Correspondent

Have you seen that travesty called "Joe the Plumber" now known as "Joe the War Correspondent"? What will they think of next?

He is supposed to be reporting on the war in Israel. What he is doing is in fact going around and interviewing the reporters and cameramen. The media.

Well he isn't really interviewing them. He is berating them and asking them questions that no matter how they answer they will look bad. This is not his idea mind you. Joe Wurzelbacher does not have two brain cells to rub together. This is something set up for him by some shadowy figure somewhere in the halls of power to make a point to someone. Who we don't know yet. It hasn't made its point to me, but then I don't give a shit about the war or the media or Joe the dufus boy.

But I did get a chance to hear an exchange he was having with some of the media crew and he was being an asshole. He was saying things like "They need to do away with Media" or "Why are you covering this war?" Stupid remarks and questions.

MSNBC made the mistake of showing a clip from him being in Gaza and questioning the media cameramen. But there is next to nothing on the net about it. You can read about him going to do it but nothing about him already over there and what he is doing.

The excuse to send him was that he wanted to talk to the average Joe's over there about the war. But I don't buy that at all. He is wanting his 15 minutes of fame to continue as well as being a whore for someone who has an agenda.

I thought I had seen everything until I saw this and to hear him say "the media needs to be done away with". That tells me that maybe someone is looking to trim down the media and maybe only have one media source? Could be and Joe the Idiot is the one helping to bring that about.

Worth watching to see.