In today's culture if you are "gay" or a "holocaust victim" you are "Special". You are immune from criticism, immune from censure, immune from profiling, immune from antagonists. If anyone speaks out about either of these two groups in ANY way that draws national attention, then the person who has spoken out will not only be demonized, but ridiculed, harassed & threatened. I don't call that living in a democracy. I call that living under a fascist regime. I can't say what I think or feel anymore because two particular groups don't want to hear it.
They suffer from the George W Bush syndrome. Bush, did not want to hear anything negative. He managed to arrange to keep everyone who would speak that way an extremely far distance away so that he could not hear it or be affected by it. If someone managed to get within earshot he would have them "dealt with". These are the same tactics that these two groups use.
I'm lucky because no one listens to me. So I can say pretty much what I want until someone of importance takes notice.
The movie "Milk" is out now and the primary message that is sent through the trailer is "I'm here to recruit you". That may sound innocuous enough on the surface, but for those who know for a fact that Harvey Milk was gay would think something altogether different. Maybe he is saying that he is there to recruit you to be gay. Most gays would balk at that remark, but I am not so quick to dismiss it.
Being gay is also being marketed to us as a fashion statement. It is 'Cool to be Gay". Christians know that this lifestyle is wrong. But they don't know how to handle it either. The church gets judged because it turns them away. At least most of them. No one really knows about the ones in the church who stand behind the pulpit.
The Catholic church is rife with gays. That is what the church is built on literally. The bible speaks about a man that should marry before considering a celibate lifestyle because of the level of temptation that is considerably increased when living a celibate lifestyle. People don't listen.
The Christian church is no different really, there are plenty of gays in the Christian church. You just don't hear about them as much, but they are there nevertheless. They just have better PR control than the Catholics obviously.
We all know the towns, cities & places that are primarily "gay". Boston, San Francisco, Florida Keys, New York City, Fire Island, etc. They tend to congregate like that around the US. I have no idea what they do outside of the country. I know France has an enormous amount of gays as well as England.
I have had many gay members in my family, as well as friends and co-workers that are gay. None of them are truly happy people. This is the experience that I speak from. They drink and do drugs and are never content. If you can actually find any monogamous gays you would be doing something. I have talked to gays who have told me some of the most outrageous stories of how they act. I don't know any heterosexuals that conduct themselves that way, no matter how white trash they may be.
Gay people try to tell everyone that they are happy and contented and are born the way they are. I disagree. I personally believe that they do choose consciously to be that way. The same way a person chooses between being good or evil. Let me go one step further.
People have all kinds of urges inside themselves. I personally have the urge to strip down naked in public and have sex with someone while everyone watches. That fantasy turns me on. But I don't act on it. Why? Because it is wrong on a number of levels. One, it is wrong to subject people in society to my personal sexual fantasy. Two, I believe that not all fantasies should be acted on. Three, self gratification is not always a good thing. I happen to believe in moderation. It seems to work quite well when practiced.
Most gays would tell you to have sex in public, be free and do what you want as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. Well, here's the catch. How can it NOT hurt someone else? Say you were out on the beach, in a park, or on top of a mountain having sex with someone not caring about who is watching and fate has it that a family with small children walk within a close proximity to where they can not only see but hear what is going on. What about those small children? Witnessing something of that nature and not understanding it. Have you hurt someone? Most likely. But you didn't intend to. But you did, because you were out in public where you have no control over who is out there or who can come by or witness it. But if you were at home, you would have considerably more control. There you would be much less likely for anyone getting hurt.
Try to tell a gay person that and they would laugh at you and tell you that you don't know how to have fun and be FREE. Being free is not always a good thing. But try telling them that.
If I gave into every fantasy that I have there is no telling what degrading type of individual I would become. Have you ever witnessed a gay pride parade? Pride being a relative term. Gays are proud, there is no denying that. But they take great pride in doing the most shocking and ridiculous things that they can. They like that. They like attention and being noticed. Have you ever met a shy gay person? That's an oxymoron, like military intelligence.
Basically gay people are nothing more than people who choose to play on their most degrading desires. Are they mentally ill? I don't think so, they are just wanting attention and like to shock. They remind me of the child who never got enough attention or the attention that they wanted. They are spoiled children in adult bodies trying to get even with ghosts of their pasts. Making everyone in society pay for what they think they were robbed of. Satan incarnate punishing the world in the most degrading way he can think of.
Who pushes the Gay attitude in our country? Why is it handled like a campaign? "C'mon be gay". The powers that be themselves are gay, they prefer being gay. Being heterosexual is not popular. If you pay attention to all the people around us in the media who are gay you have to face the fact that the power at the very top must be gay. The more people that submit to it the bigger the group gets and the more power they wield over the non gay part of society. Being gay is used much like being a holocaust victim is used. They are both protected where the non gay or non holocaust victim is ridiculed. If you aren't a Jew or holocaust victim you can't understand, if you aren't gay you don't know what it is like to be terrorized. Same bullshit, different name.
Now if you speak out against the Holocaust victims you can get into a lot of trouble. You would be safer walking up to a black person and calling them a nigger. The ADL doesn't like for anyone to question their holocaust victims. They have gone to a great deal of trouble to create the illusion of six million dying in death camps and will thank those of us who don't believe it to keep our mouths shut and mind our own business.
That is hard to do sometimes. Of course if you choose to let it slide and not say anything about it you can go on your way and you aren't branded an "Anti Semite". That is the first thing they hit you with. Then if that doesn't shut you up they revert to more heinous tactics to teach you a lesson. I wonder sometimes who is worse the ADL or the Foggy Bottom Boys.
The ADL can get ugly. They don't play fair and they will go to any length to protect the lies that they have perpetuated. Do I think that Hitler rose to power? Yes, someone put him in power. Do I believe there were work camps? Yes, I firmly believe that they needed those camps to keep the war machine working. Do I believe that people died in those camps? Yes, from illness, starvation, poor health, old age, etc. Do I believe that they were gassed and burned in ovens in extremely large numbers? NO. The reason being is that it would have been counter productive to the very efficient Germans to kill perfectly good workers for no reason at all if they could be used to work as slave laborers.
See, people are stupid, they will believe anything you tell them (with the exception of the truth and facts). This is why people get ripped off and robbed consistently because they are so easy to fool. Look at the government. They do it day in and day out and the people love being ripped off and robbed because they continually elect them over and over and over again. They know nothing will change, but they continue to do the same stupid shit day in and day out like the idiots and morons they are.
No wonder the powers that be hate the people, they see them for what they are.