I am always hearing about how one day America will revolt against what is growing in this country. I beg to differ on that subject. I put forth the following theory that America will NEVER revolt.
When you dumb down and medicate the people you render them harmless. They will never ever rise up to do anything. Since the early 30's (maybe earlier than that) the people have been systematically dumbed down and increasingly medicated. To the point that nowadays people can only think about the next reality show, who they are texting on their cellphones and where the next good time can be had or where to buy their next hit of heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana or pharmaceuticals. They care little about anything else.
I was listening to Mike Barnicle talk on Morning Blow the other day and he was very succinct in what he described as the American people. He said that people were incapable of any attention span and were incapable of reading anything beyond the three lines of text they type and receive on their cellphones. I totally agreed with him. As a matter of fact he was being too kind to the people.
It's that bad now. People have no attention span unless they are playing a video game or watching some moronic movie or reality show. To try to get people to do anything you have to wade through the bullshit of everyone wanting his or her way and him or her being offended. You would never get 3 people to agree on anything for more than a few minutes before someone got offended.
When you think about all the medications that are being put out for the people you would have to ask yourself how people are managing to function at all. Pills for impotence, pills if you don't want a menstrual period anymore, pills for depression, pills for dieting, pills to make you sleep, pills to adjust your cholesterol, to adjust your blood pressure, to help you urinate, to stop urinary infections, to stop heart attacks. Pills to cure STD's, pills to prevent pregnancy. Pills for anything you want.
There are people walking around that are taking an army of pills everyday. They must have some affect on a person. If you ever listen to what they say the side effects of some of these pills are you hear them say that death itself could be a possible side effect. Listen to the side effects and you will get the message.
Then you have what they are putting in the water. Flouride and lithium are two things that have been in the water for years and years. The Germans started putting Flouride in the water back in the 30's to calm the people down. Lithium is naturally in the water in some places but is added in larger quantities all around the world. In the last year there were articles being published about the amount of undigested medications in the water supply. People taking all these pills and them passing through the body without completely breaking down. Going into the water supply and not being filtered out. Then going out into the public and the masses consuming them. Of course they won't tell us just how bad that problem REALLY is. But if you do some basic reasoning you could figure it out for yourself and you wouldn't need to be told how bad it is.
Then you have what they are spraying you with in the air. One of the more common things that is being sprayed is aluminum particles. But there is quite a cocktail of things that are included in the chemtrail sprays that include such interesting things as carbon, metal cations, nano wire fibers, and barium. Mmm, Mmm good. I just love to get my daily dose everyday when I walk outside and take a breath.
This isn't to mention what they are putting in the foods to make them last forever. We know that they are now currently radiating the vegetables and fruits and they are also using genetically modified fruits and vegetables. You have mercury in the fish. Beef is getting hormones. Then you have the dry goods and you don't know what they are doing to that stuff. Everything has salt and sugar in it. Two things that aren't good for you. Then what goes into the preservatives they use?
You can't win. They have you coming and going. People are too fat, too lazy and too unconcerned. The government can do whatever they want as long as they don't interfere with the people's lives. But when they do interfere the people will bitch and moan and cry that their rights are being violated but they will NEVER, EVER stand up and defend anything. They can't, they don't have it in them anymore. They are incapable of understanding anything and they can't come together because they have been isolated from each other.
The American people have already laid down and gone to sleep.