Who would have thunk it? Adam Walsh's murder is miraculously solved! It's a miracle!!!! Right.
If anyone was ever paying attention to that "murder" to begin with they would have seen all the familiar earmarks of an inside job. I'm not blaming John Walsh mind you....not directly anyway.
It's the same thing that happened to JonBenet Ramsey. Their parents, the Ramsey's and the Walshes sold their children into the sex slavery ring. Those children were killed in ritualistic ceremonies. They were allowed to be killed. Nothing different than what Joe Kennedy did to his sons repeatedly in the public eye. He had no problem with them being killed for whatever reason.
John Ramsey worked for Microsoft. He was the one who invented the database program for Microsoft - Access. They lived like rich people and it was no surprise that that happened in that family. There sure wasn't that much grief and they didn't act like regular parents.
John Walsh has some very sketchy details as far as his past is concerned (1st red flag). If you search his bio anywhere most will only talk about Adam. Some list his birthplace as Washington, DC and some list it as Auburn, NY (2nd red flag). Essentially John Walsh didn't exist before the murder of his son for all intents and purposes. How odd.
This is what I am talking about. We all have some form of biography to tell. We all were born, grew up, raised and worked somewhere. I don't think that there are that many people who just "poof - came into existence".
The child sex slavery ring is huge and has been in existence for many, many years. It must be fed somehow. Jeff Gannon gave us a bird's eye view of it back a few years ago. It is common knowledge that young boys are paraded through the White House late at night. We know what is going on, but most refuse to acknowledge it. That doesn't make it go away.
Cathy O'Brien has tried to bring attention to this matter but gets blown off by the public as being a nutcase. That doesn't make her one though.
The news media would like for everyone to think now that some strange man by the name of "Ottis Toole" (how do you like that name), did it and died in prison. Like anyone can ever challenge that.
The big payoff for John Walsh was his TV show. The powers that be made him an international star and he got one hell of a big pay day for playing ball and going along with the game plan. Now that there has been enough time passed the case gets mysteriously solved. You would think that with his show he could have found the killer if there really was one. That's why he didn't because he knew what happened to his son. But he wanted the money and fame more.
There are those people out there. They will sell off their children and this has always been the way it has been since the beginning. It is still done today in this country and around the world. This is not something that only happens in the US.
The Ramsey's are different in a sense because they didn't get any TV shows or large amounts of cash for their donation to the ring. They stayed in the public eye and kept the story going all the time. They didn't play ball. I will never believe that Patsy Ramsey just happened to get cancer. I believe that she needed to be shut down. There is also a rumor that she named the person who did her daughter on her deathbed. That would not surprise me in the least. But she was offed. Since then John Ramsey has shut his mouth and gone on his way. He wanted to keep breathing.
This goes on all the time. Most of the abductions that you hear about are for the sex slavery ring. There just aren't that many nuts on the loose. Even the Lindberg case was a contribution to the ring. Everyone close to the Lindbergs admitted that Charles bragged about it. Hauptmann was the fall guy, the patsy.
It's an ugly subject, but it is real and alive and well. People just would rather prefer believing they live in a world where things like that do not exist or do not happen. How unfortunate for them.