Well, well, well it looks like there are not enough American doctors to go around for the war effort. So they will need to hire out illegals to do the various medical jobs that the US Government needs done.
I find this hard to believe. But then again it just so happens that Bush signed an executive order less than 3 years ago allowing for illegals who serve in the US Military to be eligible for an expedited citizenship. I guess they saw this coming didn't they?
With the number of doctors and nurses that they have rolling out of schools here in this country every year you would think that they would have plenty to choose from. I know the doctors and surgeons are plentiful because they all go to school to make the big money. I am sure (even confident) that there are enough translators around the country to fill the need for the military. But somehow I don't think that is their agenda. Because if it were then the government could step in and require the medical community to serve its country in whatever capacity is needed since it is a life saving situation. I know I cannot be the only one thinking of these things.
You know if the military would stop spending millions of dollars in the research of staring at goats and spend it where it needs to be spent they may not have this problem right now. But then it really isn't a problem. They tell us it is, but it isn't.
They (the powers that be) are strategically maneuvering into bringing in as many illegals as they possibly can in order to help bring this country down to a third world nation. If you bring in enough of everyone you cease having anything that is anything at all but one big ol pile of people. It's like going to Florida. Try finding a true Floridiot in Florida. You can't do it because they never existed. Try finding a true Californian in California. You can't do it. Try finding a true New Yorker in New York. You can't do it. The people who live in those states are all transplants from elsewhere. There are no original people. But then you could say that about this country as well.
Most people will argue with you and say that the people born in those places are in fact true people of those places, but I disagree. I was born here but my great grandfather wasn't. My original "home" is in Germany on my father's side and Ireland on my mother's side. With that being said, in order to determine where your true home is you have to go back to where your ancestors originally came from. Not where you were born.
The only original citizens of this country would be the Native Americans. The rest of us are all illegal aliens. We have no right to point the finger at anyone else unless we are willing to leave ourselves. Which I don't think we are.
That is why it doesn't surprise me that history in a weird way is repeating itself. The influx of foreigners like at the turn of the century.
Hell I say bring 'em on. Pour in as many as you can. The white man is getting ready to be a third class citizen here in the good ol USA. They are already accomplishing this task in Britain. The people don't like it but there isn't much they can do about it but leave or deal with it. The Indians (East) are taking over Britain in no small way. Next we will see a raghead sitting on the throne over there.
It's this way almost everywhere in the world that is industrialized and progressed. But the US is definitely on its way to being a third world country. But then even that has to come about at some point. Like Rome fell, so will the US.
What I find fantastic is the fact that the powers that be are so narrow sighted that they don't see what they are doing. They see what it looks like on paper but they don't allow for the possibility that maybe in real life it won't play out that way. But then they are the brains and they know better than anyone else. I say whatever.
These plans that they execute are born and bred in think tanks. That is what those brains get paid to do. They are given a hypothetical situation or maybe just an idea written on a napkin and told to "flesh it out" and see if they can take it full circle. Which of course they do. But it is all on paper. None of it can be truly "fleshed out" until it is put into action. Taken off the page and put into practice so to speak. Once that is done then they can see if it works or not. All the things that they are doing were born and bred in a think tank somewhere.
But to fill up the military with illegals and foreigners tells me that the army can be made up of anything, they don't care as long as they have the necessary number of bullet stoppers out there. Remember we will be fighting wars with Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Israel. All these countries are going to be involved in one BIG FAT WAR. I think they will try for World War III here. I say whatever.
It was only a matter of time anyway before this started.