I was reading an interesting interview today with Will Smith on his new movie "Seven Pounds" and he was talking about several different things during the interview. One of the things that the interviewer put to him was whether or not he was a "Scientologist". I found it quite interesting that he was incapable of giving a simple yes or no answer until specifically made to.
Here is the way that conversation went:
There are also rumors about you being a Scientologist. Jada has spoken about you two studying many religions, including Scientology. So are you a Scientologist?
I love the nature of humanity's search for meaning. For me I'm certain about my relationship with the model of perfection of human life that's laid out with the life of Jesus Christ. I'm certain of that. So I'm at home and not fearful when I sit in a mosque or a synagogue or a Buddhist temple, the same way that I'm home in the Church of Scientology. I like anywhere people are searching for the truth, and I respect their path and I'm intrigued by their path. I think when you are certain in and of what you believe in, you can open your mind to seeing the ways of others. I'm not bothered when someone says "Allah" because they're talking about God—we are talking about the same person. I was in India recently and my hotel was near the Taj Mahal. Five times a day there would be a call for prayer, and it was the most beautiful thing. I was lying in my bed thinking, no matter what your religion is, it would be great to have that reminder five times a day to remember your Lord and savior.
How droll of him. He was asked a direct question and gave a politician's answer. Asked again more directly he was forced to answer specifically.
So you're not a Scientologist?
No, but when people are afraid of religion they have to go back and get in touch with the Good Book. Fear of other religions means you're questioning your own understanding, and that's just not where I am.
Hmm, a get even response after saying "No". When people fear other religions it means that they are questioning their own? I don't think so. That sounds too much like "When people fear Homosexuality that means that they are questioning their own sexuality". Could it be something much simpler than that? Could it just be ignorance? Ignorance of one's own religion as well as other religions? Or sexuality? That was a very telling answer he gave.
Let me explain something here before people start going off the deep end and start saying stupid shit like "What do you think being ignorant means?" The southern mentality is a perfect example of what I mean.
Those people in the deep south spend their entire lives every single Sunday and Wednesday night in their local church nodding in agreement to every single word the preacher says. They don't understand most of it but because that is the way their parents and their parents before them did that is the way they do and it is not open to interpretation or explanation or justification. "No reason to read the bible since the preacher is telling us what it says". End of story. That is not a matter of questioning anything on their part. They take what they hear to be the truth and they DO NOT intend to have it questioned by some smart alecky asshole.
When something different comes along it is automatically perceived as "foreign", which it in fact is. If something is not known it is foreign. People are generally skeptical at first of foreign things until they are around them for awhile and can see what they are all about, generally speaking. You do have those people who have no use for anything that is foreign. That is their choice. It does not mean they do not understand or are questioning a damn thing.
I can give you a personal example from my own life. I don't like certain personality types. Those certain personalities make themselves apparent to me within the first 5 minutes of talking to them usually. They are the types of people who feel the need to step on everyone around them to make themselves feel superior. We all know these type of people. I don't like them. From the initial recognition of them being in the immediate vicinity causes me to become quite cynical and insulting with them. I do this on purpose because I have a deep dislike of them.
Here's the argument. They may be right in what they do and how they act. But I don't like them. I am not questioning a damn thing with myself or my beliefs. I KNOW I don't like them and I KNOW why I don't like them and I INTEND to continue not liking them because I don't SUBSCRIBE to their particular belief systems. Now who is questioning what here? No one. They don't question their own system and I don't question mine. We both know we don't like each other and we assume the necessary attitudes when in contact with each other. End of story. It is just that simple.
Will Smith is spewing forth the psycho babble of the Scientologist Church. I know double talk when I hear it.
Don't throw a blanket over the entire South and tell me that they are all questioning their belief systems when they see a homosexual or come into contact with a foreign religion. They aren't, for the most part. There are probably a few that do. But the majority blindly follow along in their own religion because it is the way they were raised and they CHOOSE not to question it. "If it was good enough for my daddy and his daddy's daddy then it is by God good enough for me". That is the belief system in a nutshell. They do the exact same thing with Patriotism, Guns, Politics, Marriage, Kids, Life, etc. They have a code they live by and CHOOSE not to question it.
Will Smith is full of shit.
Then asked whether or not Scientology would be taught in the new school that he and his wife have started he refused to give a clear answer on this as well:
The school that you and your wife, Jada, opened this year in Calabasas, Calif., the New Village Academy, has gotten a lot of attention, particularly rumors that Scientology will be taught there. Did that upset you?
It was just important to me to put something out there to help kids understand that it all starts right there—in that classroom and with those teachers. I want to be a part of kids figuring out that it is a new time in America and they can be a part of it. I take my citizenship very seriously, and one part of that is service. My grandmother taught me that, and I was happy that President-elect Obama talked about it so much on the campaign trail. Part of the reason the country is where we are now is because many of us aren't doing our part. We need to get back to the help-your-neighbor concept that's just disappeared in the last eight years.
I feel like I am listening to a politician being interviewed. You ask them a question and they tell you what they want you to hear. Talking points if you will. No one fucking asked him about his citizenship. They asked him if he was upset about people spreading the word that Scientology would be taught at the school.
I just talked about the Hollywood crowd a few blogs ago. I would like to believe that there are some actors out there that do not come from the same breeding pool as the open nut jobs that are running around in Hollywood, but I can't because they all come from the same "family". Some just appear to be better put together than others.
Now here's the clincher, asked about how Will feels personally about Tom Cruise. This answer should send shivers up and down the spines of those familiar with the original movie "Manchurian Candidate".
You and Tom Cruise are good friends. What is it about him that makes you guys so close?
Tom is one of the most open, honest and helpful people I've met in Hollywood, or really anywhere.
Here is the quote from the movie "Manchurian Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra that is the required answer from all the mind controlled soldiers when asked about "Raymond Shaw".
"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life".
I find an extremely strong similarity in the answer that Smith gives about Cruise when compared against the Raymond Shaw response in Manchurian Candidate. And by the way I do not recognize the Denzel Washington remake of that movie. I watched it, it sucked.
I see that further into the article Will Smith admits that all the scripts that he is interested in doing he sends to Tom for Cruise's approval. How quaint. I thought Will Smith might have done some of his own thinking, but I guess not.
No one else gave you that kind of support in all your years in the business?
Well, Eddie Murphy and Bill Cosby reached out and really helped me back in the day, but they were older. Tom is my age, so I really felt there would be some competition between us, but he looks over my scripts and everything. When I did "I Am Legend," I sent him the script, and he sent me back four hours of notes and changes. He did more work on "I Am Legend" than I did.
First off, Eddie and Bill were first and foremost comedic actors which would have served Will back in the Fresh Prince days. But once he started in dramatic acting they wouldn't have been much help there since that is not their genre of choice. Even though Cosby did do "I Spy" early on in his career.
Now let's get down to some specifics here - Eddie Murphy was born in 1961, Cruise in 1962 and Smith in 1968. I would think that Eddie and Tom are pretty close in age wouldn't you think? I will concede that Cosby is older, hell he's been around forever. But I think what the truth really is here and what he would not say out loud is that Eddie and Cosby are not part of the Scientologist cult.
But the fact that Tom has final say so to speak of Will's scripts tells me quite a bit. Who is in control here? Tom or Will of Will's career? I think we have the answer there.
Here's another confusing, political answer from Will Smith:
You talked a lot about what Tom has done for you. What do you do for him?
Well, I hooked Connor up! It's just to have someone who knows what you're dealing with and being able to talk to them and get good advice and know that they mean you the best. I think now I'm mature enough to know how important it is to bounce things off the wall to someone who knows exactly where I'm coming from.
Who are we talking about here? Connor or Will? Who is doing the bouncing and who is doing the advising? First look it reads as if Will has Connor around in order to talk to and get advice from. But that can't be possible since Connor is only 13 years old. But after re-reading it I still can't be sure what he is talking about. That is again, the feeling you get after listening to a politician and you are not sure what you just heard and you can't make any sense out it.
Why does Connor Cruise look like Will Smith's offspring?
This is what has me stumped. Where & how do these people "adopt" these kids? What pool are they drawing from here? Is there any decision making going on here or are these children being assigned to them to raise? This is my own personal opinion on this. They are "accidental" products of other mind controlled people and outsiders. The babies are taken and placed with slaves to raise. We are being told that they are "great humanitarians" because instead of polluting the planet by reproducing they are taking in the ones already here and needing homes. What a load of SHIT!
I hate having my intelligence insulted every damn time I turn around by some of the lamest, most absurd lies that I have ever heard. The chances that Connor Cruise could look so much like Will Smith and be adopted by Tom Cruise only to have his first acting role playing Smith's younger self in a movie? I don't think so. That is not just a lucky chance. Chances are that Smith probably got some girl knocked up about 14 years ago and the baby was taken from the girl and placed with Mr Wonderful and Nicole Kidman to raise (who are both slaves). God only knows who Isabella's real non-slave parent is. I can't place who she looks like. By the way Isabella seems to be proudly signifying the fact that she has a "girlfriend" these days. Why are we not surprised she is gay and why isn't the media talking about that? Could it be that Tom Cruise controls the media and what they can and cannot say about him? It would not be the first time he has been accused of that.
Now to prove the point that not only is Tom Cruise full of shit on top of being a mind controlled slave, I will also prove that Scientology is a bullshit religion (cult) created by a man who was clinically insane.
L Ron Hubbard was known by another name way back in his younger days. That name was "Frater H". The reason he had that name is in fact a very interesting story, which only serves to back up what I have been saying about these nut jobs.
Here is a short description of Hubbard and one of his early "disciples":
Jack Parsons
Am early contactee with Nordics (space aliens) includes Scientist Jack Parsons who met the so-called Venusian saucer in the desert in 1946. He is the creator of solid rocket propellant fuel and went on to become one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Houston and the Aerojet Corporation. Hardly a small time quack. Jack was a member and leader of the Agape lodge. This was the American chapter of Aleister Crowley’s Occult group, Ordo Templi Orientis, based in England. Aleister Crowley was a world-renowned occultist and Satan worshiper. Prior to the war, he met Adolph Hitler and continued correspondence with him. It has been said that Crowley was everything from a Nazi spy to a double agent working for the allies. There is unclear evidence for both rumors but every indication is that he was involved in spying. One of Jack Parsons early United States contacts with the Agape Lodge was a man code-named as "Frater H." He had a close association with Jack Parsons and led him to believe that he had come into contact with the same higher powers that Crowley himself came into contact with, in Cairo in 1904. Interestingly enough, a drawing of this higher power is the image of the typical "Gray"(space alien). This association of Parsons to Frater H later proved to assist in his downfall. They shared a joint banking account of which Frater H. took the money and wound up marrying Parson’s girlfriend. By 1952 Parsons now referred to himself as Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal Antichrist. In his home laboratory he dropped a vial of fulminate of mercury and died in the resulting explosion. Jack Parsons was a man with a professional life filled with great achievements. Parsons was hardly the stereotypical contactee as depicted by supermarket tabloids. Yet his personal and spiritual life was filled with the occult, deception and yet another possible Nazi connection. He also paved the way for the Nordic.
L Ron Hubbard aka Frater H.
Frater H., the man most responsible for leading Parsons into this madness was himself a claimed contactee of the Nordics. His real name is none other than the well-known L Ron Hubbard, Science-fiction writer, Author of Dianetics and Founder of the Church of Scientology. His sphere of influence today in America is renowned. Many movie stars, intellectuals and social elite are ardent followers of his "Church". Recently his "Church" is suffering persecution in Germany. I believe because of all people, the German people have heard this line before and recognize it for what it really is.
Nut Jobs. These people believe in aliens and the occult and God knows what else. L Ron Hubbard went insane. No one knows quite when this happened. He may have been mad all along. Who says Hubbard actually wrote Dianetics? Who is to say that he actually started the Scientology cult? They used his name but he spent a good deal of years (it is reported) living on a yacht in international waters because the minute that he docked on US shores the IRS owned his sorry ass for non payment of taxes. What is that? Who knows anything for sure about this guy except what can be documented by first hand experience earlier in his life. That information doesn't help build any credibility about him.
Hollywood is made up of people who have been born and bred in a specific controlled environment. They are all sick, but they are held up to us as being special. Well we know that in school the retarded are referred to as special people so I guess these people can be considered to be retarded to some degree. If you follow that line of thinking.
Hollywood offers nothing but a look into the sick world of people who have no control over their own lives, are mutants and are not normal. They aren't aliens I don't think, but they aren't far from it.