The people that are held up to us in the media. Where do they really come from?
Some will say that they are just like us but famous. Some others may say that they are from the well to do and are meant to be famous. Yet others (like me) say that they are pod people.
Pod people to me means that they are born and bred from a particular bloodline to remain in the positions of power so that the "little people" never get in. The majority of society would laugh and shake their heads, thinking that I was completely insane to say that, let alone think something that outrageous. I, however consider myself completely coherent and sane for that matter and will continue to DARE to think along those lines.
My argument to those skeptics would be to show me just 2 people that have truly come from some nowhere place, attended some piss ant school in some nowhere town and have made it to the heights of fame and renown. Just 2 people. It cannot be done because these people are not like the rest of us.
I have said before in my other blog that all of Hollywood is made up of the children from the child sex slavery business that runs through Washington and the Halls of Power. How's that for crazy? But I give a nod to Cathy O'Brien for her dedication and honesty in drawing attention to the plight of the people who are victims of this. But even Cathy doesn't know the real truth behind what she has experienced because she herself does not know where she came from. She knows the parents that she saw but are they her REAL parents? She will never know.
What is heritage? Does anyone really know where they REALLY came from? Who their real parents are? I don't think most people do. Some do because there are bloodlines that are distinctly preserved and protected. But to the common man who knows whose who.
For me to even entertain the thought of going to Harvard would be equivalent to me thinking about going to the MOON. I know where Harvard Law School is. I can go right to the door of the school. But I will never get in. Not in a million years. I know where the moon is too. I know how to get to NASA to ask for a ride to the moon. But do you think I would ever be allowed on the shuttle? NO. Same difference. Harvard might as well be on the moon for me.
I have the brains to go to Harvard. I'm not a stupid person. I have outrageous ideas, but I am smart. I can function in a school like that. I may not graduate Magna Cum Laude but I think I can hold my own. But I will never see the inside of that school as a student. Not because I don't have the brains to get in but I don't have the BLOODLINE to get in.
Harvard and Yale and a few other schools are private schools for the bloodline children. They will and have always been just that. You don't think that the bloodline children can mingle with the little people do you?
I learned something recently that I should have caught the snaps to a long time ago. Watching Caroline Kennedy out in public now and being reminded what a recluse that she is. She doesn't know how to function in "normal society". Yes, her brother mingled with the common man, but her brother was curious. He got out there and mingled because of the oddity between him and his life and the normal people or "little people" if you will. Once he saw something that started him thinking and getting the idea that he could effect a change he was eliminated. That is what happens to those people who either break their conditioning or get "confused". John John was sacrificed just like his father and his uncle. Caroline is being sacrificed now so to speak by being put out into the filthy, dirty, scumbag world and she so clearly cannot function out here.
Most of the bloodline children can't. Put them out here with the sodomites and see how long they last. Why do you think they marry within their own realms? You never hear stories about how they met some guy or girl just working out here in a nowhere job in a nowhere town and they live happily ever after. You hear about George Clooney doing that shit, but Clooney is gay, he has no intention of ever marrying some female. That is for show.
Why do you think that homosexuality rules Hollywood, Media & the Halls of Power? Because that is what runs the child sex slavery business. The ones in the most powerful of positions are gay. They breed gay. Gayness is supported and pushed as an acceptable way of life. It is for them anyway.
Everyone is gay or bisexual. There are very few if any heterosexual people in those positions. Yes, there are those who are married with families but that doesn't mean anything. A lot of gay people are married and HAVE CHILDREN. That doesn't mean anything obviously because you see them come out and say they were living a lie as a married heterosexual.
I learned a lot from watching the 9 episodes of My Own Worst Enemy before it got yanked off the air. The powers that be love to brag about what they are doing and getting away with and all the cool toys they have and what they can do if they want to. My Own Worst Enemy was nothing more than bragging rights. It was a "look at what we are doing and there is nothing you can do about it". I even saw a commercial to join the CIA during the shows run.
Most people will tell you that these TV shows like My Own Worst Enemy or 24 is just Hollywood and isn't real. Bullshit. Where do you think they come up with the shit they use in the movies and television? Who gives Hollywood the green light on what can and cannot be made? Who do you think does the PR work for the Foggy Bottom Boys? There is more reality in these shows than anybody wants to admit. Because if you start admitting that this shit is real then you have just canceled out your own fantasy world you have been living in. The two worlds clash at that point. Better to look at these shows for what they really are and then when you finally come face to face with it you will not be so blown away that you cannot function.
I completely believe that the powers that be are capable of not only what is in My Own Worst Enemy but more. I believe that a lot of people are living lives they know nothing about and that they are so intermingled with society that if you tried to separate them out you would be extremely hard pressed to do so. Look at the person who works next to you at work. Do you know them? Know where they came from? Can the pictures they show you of their family be considered to be real? Or are they created? What about yourself? Are you real?
The ones that have the purest bloodlines are the ones that are retained inside the inner circle. The others that are nothing more than collateral damage from some accidental breeding process are left in society to function until possibly needed at a later time.
Look at Prince Harry. It is clearly obvious that James Hewitt is that boy's father. He doesn't have one drop of royal blood in him as far as the Royal Family is concerned. He does not have one drop of Charles' blood in him. But yet he is held up to us as one of the heirs to the British Throne and people accept it. They can be shown pictures all day long of the distinct and absolute proof of James Hewitt being the father and people will walk around and call him Charles' son. Blind ignorance. They don't want to believe what is all too true and what is all too common. It is too scary for them.
This is why Harry will never ascend to power. He will remain as one of the Royals but he will never see the throne. Not by choice anyway. William will ascend to the throne and take his rightful place as Arthur the once and future king. You wait and see if that doesn't happen. It is closer to happening than most people want to admit. Bloodlines.
These people are not normal people. They don't live normal lives, they don't understand normal things. They live in a fantasy world, because that is where they were raised. If you were to drop them off in society and expect them to function they would be completely lost. They would actually fail. A daydream that I have for a lot of them.
A rule of thumb I always try to practice is that when I see a person being held up to us as one to be honored or worshiped I automatically think that this is a pod person. God is the only entity to be worshiped, not mankind.