Sunday, November 23, 2008

Word to the So Called "Christian Leaders"

I just read an article by a preacher calling Bam Bam an "Uncle Tom" and that he is planning to pass legislation to allow people the RIGHT to make their own choices when it comes to ABORTION. It was one of the most ludicrous articles I have ever read. While the words all made sense and the author was not rambling or babbling incoherently, he sounded like a damn fool.

Now, despite how I may talk I do believe in God and I believe in Jesus Christ. I have a personal relationship with Jesus believe it or not. He knows my temper and my viewpoints and we are in fact working on those. But I do speak my mind and try to be honest as opposed to politically correct.

I've read the bible. I know what it says. I also know that preachers are in some serious shit come judgment day because of how they are misleading their congregations. But then who am I to tell them. Let them have the right to decide how they want to be as preachers and God will deal with them personally on judgment day. I just don't think they will like the end result is all. But they have the freedom to choose, which is more than they are allowing women who are faced with decisions on whether or not to have an unwanted baby.

I personally believe that all women should make the choice with what they will do with their bodies and their unborn children, because they will be in the same line as the all the rest of us on judgment day having to answer for their sins. So where is the agro here? Why are people concerned with this?

You will get an enormous crowd of people saying in unison "But It's MURDER!". So what? Murder goes on all the time. Murder takes many, many forms. Some of them just happen to be physical. But if scripture says to not place judgment then what are all the Christians doing?

Last time I checked my bible, Jesus was the only other one who could lay down judgment on someone, but he could also pardon sin and bless. I don't remember him giving that particular power to his disciples. They could heal the sick and do whatever it is that disciples do but they were not in a position to cast judgment. The closest that I believe a disciple ever got to doing that was when Stephen admonished the Sanhedrin for their sins against God. But Stephen was stoned to death by them for that. God says that JUDGMENT IS MINE. That is something that is supposed to be exclusive only to God. So why are preachers encouraging this act?

Preachers are the worst ones to be telling people what is right and what is wrong. They are some of the most sinful, loathsome people in religion. It is easier to show me a preacher who has money on the brain and/or cheats on his wife with a congregation member or a preacher who is into drugs and/or homosexuality. It is practically impossible to show me a preacher that is honest and truly cares for the word of God or who lives and dresses modestly and acts with some humiliation. I know I haven't seen any lately. I don't think they exist actually. I do not know of a church right now that I would be willing to walk into and listen to what the preacher had to say.

All people are created "equally" by God "in his image" and are given the right by God to choose freely. They are not supposed to be hindered by man in their decision making process or the one who hinders them will reap the blame. People don't think about this. They are too in your face about what they "think" you should do. It's all about pressuring others to do what you want them to. Instead of letting people live their lives and take responsibility for their own actions.

If a woman wants to sleep around and get pregnant she must take responsibility for every action. EVERY ACTION. That includes the abortion. I can't help the fact that some preacher can't have his way because he is so absorbed in megalomania that he can't see the word of God anymore. But that preacher, if he tries to instill his will into any situation where he is trying to intimidate by GUILT someone trying to make a life or death decision, then that preacher will take on the judgment of that act as well.

Death comes in many forms. We are not privy to God's plans and how he executes things. We are supposed to go on faith and accept what happens as God's will and not try to second guess God. It ain't up to us. We are to be about the business God has given to us, not be worrying about our neighbors and what they are or aren't doing. We are supposed to set examples. Not hit people over the head to get their attention. If they look at us and see the way we are living and want that same thing, then we have set an example. That is how it should be. Not out carrying signs and screaming and blowing up buildings to bring people to God. That's satan's work, not God's. And if people are acting like that I wonder if they do know God, because if they do would they be out there doing that? Who knows? I know that God does not need man to bring down an abortion clinic. He is perfectly capable of doing that himself without man's help. We aren't supposed to judge. But I'm doing just that in talking about it here. So I have sinned. It is up to me to seek forgiveness for this sin.

I know for a fact that according to the bible I read, God can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to whomever he wants. He asks no one their permission. He is to not be questioned either as to his reasons or actions. He owes us nothing. But when man starts to step in and play the role of God's spokesman or God's right hand man then that person is stepping into dangerous territory. Does he know God's will for him? He better be checking his information a second and third time before he does anything. We have an inborn understanding of right and wrong. We are supposed to pray and follow the right path. Chances are if something is not right then it isn't of God. So doing violent acts towards women or abortion clinics or doctors most probably isn't of God I would think.

My last word on this is to Christians to leave people alone and let them make their own decisions and stop trying to run the whole world and force them to a God that comes off looking like some kind of idiot.

YOU'RE GIVING GOD A BAD NAME!!! Stop it and go worry about your own problems and stop doing shitty PR work for GOD!