Saturday, November 29, 2008

Manchurian Candidates Called Forth To Duty

Yes, it's true. The Manchurian Candidates that live among us, ignorant of what they are have been called into service for their country. They appeared at WalMart in Long Island, NY and they have appeared at Toys R Us in Palm Desert, CA. They have also appeared in the form of an 8 year old child who shoots his father & his friend and a young Florida mother who has mysteriously "misplaced" her 2 year old daughter Caylee. Also appearing as a man shooting his wife & another person in a church in New Jersey. Also a man who supposedly killed an anchor woman in Arkansas.

My aren't they busy little bees? That is only a short list of just the recent stuff we are hearing about. God only knows what else is working that is only being locally reported. But the shopping murders are the most high profile ones.

You know what they are setting up for don't you? Take the guns away, among other things. Of course the stories of the shopping incidents make no sense when you stop and think about them. Why didn't anyone else get shot at Toys R Us? Why aren't they releasing any details? Why aren't the customers talking about what they witnessed? No one is saying anything of any real consequence. They are just repeating the regular buzz words. Nothing of relevance from either incident. Matter of fact the stories are now out of circulation.

The fact that they were able to get 2000 + black people at a WalMart in Long Island amazes me. Too much money in that area for something like that to happen. Not only that but it wasn't even a Super WalMart. They said in the news that they had 3 items on sale at the store with two of them being a vacuum cleaner for $28 and a plasma TV for $768. Doesn't sound interesting enough to get 2000 people in first thing in the morning. That's not a sale. There were plenty of pictures of that debacle and I am here to tell you that what I saw in 12 pictures does not measure up to the story that is being circulated.

Toys R Us is a weird experience. No names, no details, no nothing. But then again we aren't supposed to ask. I find it interesting that there were plenty of pictures to go around for the WalMart scenario but none for the Toys R Us. Why is that? Both stories went away at the same time.

The reason is because they are all Manchurian Candidates at work. Someone went around for the WalMart fiasco and rounded up all those people and promised them something of value for showing up. They were too mad. But definitely MKUltra slaves for Toys R Us and the rest of the other scenarios that are working in the news right now.

What is the goal here? What are they trying to achieve? Scare the people, frighten them? Make them doubt and wonder subconsciously so that they are more fearful? I think all those are possibilities. But it is the constant onslaught of these type of things.

Personally, I am of the school of thought that people for the most part are not that nutty by themselves. But when you start pumping them full of drugs and subconscious messaging and constant media attention to things that are detrimental to the general population's way of thinking you are going to get some real oddball behavior. Especially if these people are already in some kind of "treatment".We the people are under a constant onslaught of detrimental messaging. We get it from every angle and just trying to hold on to some kind of normal thinking is nearly impossible.

But I take comfort in knowing that when the messages need to be driven home to the masses they can call on their army of Mind Controlled slaves to come out with guns and god knows what else to wreak havoc in society. But if you scrutinize the scenarios and start looking for something that might make some sense you won't find anything. They don't want you to. Just take what they tell you and go on and mind your own business because the powers that be have everything under control thank you very much.

If you want to know who the slaves are just turn on the news or pick up a paper and you will see them all there front and center. There are many of them, no shortage that's for sure. Whenever they need them they are everywhere among us. You may be one for all you know.

Things are only going to get worse and more crazy until we are all pointing fingers at each other and turning everyone in for being a terrorist or some sick fuck. It's only just getting going good.

If you think that the spooks are conducting all this you're wrong. The psychiatrists are the majority of what is working when you deal with Mind Controlled slaves. They use certain words, phrases, drugs, routines, thought processes. The psychiatrists are the critical sources here. It isn't the Foggy Bottom Boys or the Oz crew. They perfected it, but they trained the psych doctors to carry out these things. That is how they reach so many.

When you think about how many people's minds are actually fertile grounds for these types of programming then you can easily see how it happens. If you take enough drugs and stop thinking for yourself and believe everything that is told to you then you are ripe for the picking. Think about how many kids were put in Ritalin back in the late 70's, 80's and 90's. They are grown people now probably still on it and other drugs as well. They push alot of drugs on children early only to add to it later.

Some may say that drugs are good. Well, maybe they are and then again maybe they aren't. I tend to think that anything that is created in a laboratory should be looked at with a high level of skepticism. I don't want to be dependent on synthetic drugs to live. If I get sick I try to treat myself naturally if at all possible. I have personal issues with aspirin, but will take straight aspirin from time to time if I have to. But with all the drugs that are in the foods and water and air, you just about have to treat those problems with other drugs. It is one sick cycle.

But if you take the time to take off those damn rose colored glasses and come into reality and admit to yourself that this is no fucking picnic and this life must be dealt with seriously then you may stand a chance. Otherwise forget it, take the drugs and go back to sleep.