Well it looks like Black Friday is turning out to in fact be a black day indeed for Walmart.
The actual meaning of Black Friday involves businesses being able to make their yearly money on this one day of the year. When their books turn from red to black. That is the real meaning behind Black Friday. But this year I think it will take on a new meaning.
Walmart is probably one of the most hideous businesses known to humanity. It practices the most criminal type of business and forces people to shop at their stores by lowering prices to the point that people HAVE to shop there if they want certain things. It's psychological. Walmart officials will of course tell you "We don't make people shop here". No they don't physically put a gun to your head and drag you into the store and make you shop. But they do do it on a psychological level.
It's this simple: If you have $20 for groceries for the week where are you going to shop to get the most for your money? Walmart. Nuff said.
You don't want to shop there, but you have to because you have to be able to feed your family and provide other things as well. You have to, you have no choice. Not in this day and time you don't.
Walmart is fucking criminal. I hate that store, I hate the people who run it, who work in it and who own it. I have no respect for any Walmart employee. That is not the only job out there and they damn sure aren't paying that well. If you have ever talked to a former Walmart employee, they would never EVER go back to work for that company. Sometimes you can actually talk to a current employee who will tell you right in the store and right on their shift how they hate that company. Now that is an interesting conversation. I have actually had them.
A man died today at Walmart in fucking Long Island, New York. That place is not a poor area. Those people have money there. But according to the news report the people were such savages that they literally lifted the doors off the hinges and stormed the store stampeding an employee and killing him. They also took down a pregnant woman and another employee but not killing them.
What kind of people do this? What kind of people shop that way? Who were the people that did this and are they aware of what they did? What kind of people do that and walk away?
The Walmart lawyers are saying that they are working with police to bring this matter to justice because the welfare of their employees and customers are their top priority. BULLSHIT. The customers money is their top priority. But don't worry Walmart, people don't give a shit anymore so you have nothing to worry about. So a few employees are killed at your stores, no big deal, as long as the money flows.
I can understand the poor doing this type of thing. I didn't know the rich lowered their standards like that. I figured their noses were stuffed so high in the air that they wouldn't be able to stampede a damn thing. But I guess the rich can get down in the gutter with the useless eaters just as well. Makes me sleep better at night knowing this fact.
I wonder how Walmart will compensate the dead man's family? They will find a way to get around it I'm sure. Walmart isn't in the habit of paying anyone, they are only in the business of taking in money, not spending it out.
I think this is a sign of things to come. I literally believe that the people have been stirred into such a frenzy with the economy that this will happen anywhere that a SALE is going on in the near holiday future. People are desperate and desperate times call for desperate actions. Stampeding people to death to save a few dollars is only collateral damage in the end.
The powers that be must be celebrating a small victory today with the success of the Walmart in Long Island, New York. If they can only magnify that result nationwide, imagine the results in deaths they could rack up. Less people to have to worry about later if the useless eaters start killing off each other by stampeding them as they shop for that all sacred holiday known as Christmas. It always brings out the BEST in people.
But then pagan holidays should do that. Since they aren't good for much else.